Sonic Adventure Dx Free Download

Embed this ProgramAdd this Program to your website by copying the code below.PreviewPreview. Find the Chaos EmeraldsSonic’s mortal enemy Dr. Robonik is out to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds in order to rule the world, and your mission is to find all the Emeralds before he does. Sonic Adventure DX takes you to different places and adventures in your quest to find the 7 Emeralds.

  1. Sonic Adventure Dx Free Download Link
  2. Sonic Adventure Dx On Ps3

Accomplishing missions is very exciting because you get to enjoy Sonic’s speed and agility. Get ready for lots of running and a fast-paced gameplay because you will be speeding on the course!

Do not forget to collect as many gold rings as possible as you run on the tracks because they will help determine your score for each stage. You should also mind the timer that is located at the corner of your screen, which will record how long it will take you to finish a stage. Your overall time and the number of gold rings collected combined with the number of enemies you blasted through along the way will set your score for that particular stage. It has a really promising gameplay. The race course has lots of obstacles, boosters, and enhancers like bouncy mushrooms that will have you ricocheting and bouncing off various platformers to reach a particularly high area. There are also treadmills along your way that will send you rocketing at an unbelievable speed! It gets me really hyped up whenever that happens and sometimes I get cross-eyed from trying to follow Sonic’s movements.

Sonic Adventure Dx On Ps3

The flawless animation always manages to leave me in awe and get me more hyped up to finish the level in record time. Meet Sonic’s friendsYou will get to encounter other characters in the game as you play. Some of them you will meet during your missions. For instance, Tail will be waiting for you to rescue him during the first level of the game. You can play all the characters after meeting them in the game so if you ever get tired of Sonic, which I doubt, you have other character options! Although I would say that if you are really after breaking time records, your best option would either be Sonic or Tail. Those two are the fastest runners among others.

Graphics and designThe gaming experience would have not been as enjoyable as it is if it were not for its crisp graphics. It is able to properly deliver the fast-paced movements of Sonic and other characters during the adventure run mode of the game. Speaking of characters, each one of them has been well made and you can tell that there has been no favoritism involved in constructing them and putting them in the game.


Even if Sonic is the main protagonist, his friends possess their own identity and dynamic. By AnonymousSonic Adventure DX is worthy of being one of the first 3D Sonic games.It has bright and colorful level design, 6 different gameplay s tyles and playable characters, A meh story, but it isn't bad at all. Pros: Co-hesive level design. An awesome soundtrack! Many gameplay styles. Graphics are great even to this day! A lot of replay value with the 'Emblems' Cons: The camera can be awkward at times.

One of the playable characters, Big, has fishing as it's gameplay style. It's boring and unnessasary. Some of the voice acting can be annoying to people. Reviewed onSeptember 4, 2015.

Once again, Dr. Eggman is making up new evil plans to mess things up. But, with Sonic in the picture, and you to help, you can help Sonic stop Dr. Eggman just like you have in the Sonic classic video games.

A whole new story with more to do and to see in Sonic Adventure DX, which you can try out for free right from here at Rocky Bytes. This game is a free demo of the Director's Cut version of the game.Sonic and his buddies work to stop Dr. Eggman's tricks right in his tracks. There are more than 50 new adventures available in this game, and you will be able to try out the game for yourself to see if you want to see more in this free demo. This game features and all new Mission Mode while you help to stop Dr.

Eggman's evil plans to take over the world.While this game is quite old, it seems to have aged well. The graphics in this day-in-age can be considered sort of poor, but the game was released back in 2003. So, for back then, these are actually quite nice and appealing to the eyes.

The gameplay is quite addictive, but much as you have expected in the past Sonic games, the gameplay is quite repetitive. However, the story is typical for Sonic, it is a good story to add to the series of Sonic games and if you are a fan of Sonic, it is definitely worth your time to try out this game, and even possibly buy it if you want.You have a variety of characters from past Sonic games you can choose to play as. What ever your preference is, the story is the same, but as with all Sonic games, and addictive story at that.