Naskah Drama Bahasa Sunda 10 Orang Tentang Pendidikan

One day at a famous school in Thailand, there is a smart girl named Nam. He was black, and old-fashioned appearance. Nam seniors like the popular guy in school named Shone. He is a man whosehobby is photography. Shone has a male friend named Top.

Top like Nam. Everyday Shone always late for school and meet with teachers Inn, chatty. MistressInn like Mr. Phol is a gym teacher at the school.

Nam has two bestfriends named Cheer and Ger. Feye is Nam classmate friend who likes Shone.One time, Shone like Nam, buthe was confused because the Top like the same girl.

Shone and Top 've bothpromised that he would not like the same girl. Shone actually liked the firstsince Nam Nam from ugly to be beautiful, while the Top liked Nam since thedrama plays Snow White.Until one day, in the cafeteriaof the Top plans to shoot Nam. Nam finally summoned to the cafeteria.

Andwhat happened? Top Nam accept his love. Yet in his heart Nam someone shelikes is Shone. And how the state Shone? Hearts shone very upset,disappointed, he had tears in his eyes. But the rice has become porridge.And by the time school farewell, finally Nam expressed his heart to that he loves Shone Shone.

And thathappens, Shone could not say anything. It turns out that shone already datingwith Pin. Really hurt Nam.

Nam fell, Shone actually want to help himbut Nam says it's okay. One day, Nam was walking along andcheer ger. When it was photography Shone.

He was following competenciesphotography. Phol passes in front of Shone and converse.Mr. Phol: ' Shone, what are you doing? 'Shone: ' Yes sir, I 'mtaking some sample photos for the photographycompetition! I hope you win at this school event! By the way donot forget, you have not been following the exercise test!

'Shone: ' I forgot! Okay I'll follow the test. 'From a distance, Nam saw shoneshyly.

Cheer and ger seen behavior Nam.Ger: ' What's wrong with Nam? 'Nam: ' That!

Naskah Drama Bahasa Sunda 10 Orang Tentang Pendidikan Gratis

(Pointing towards Shone ) 'Ger: ' Oh, Shone! You like him? She was a popular guy in class likemuch younger! 'Nam: ' Is it true? Well, troubled my heart! 'Cheer: ' Do not be upset! You know Feye?


She also likes Shone, andoverhears Shone also like Feye! 'Nam: ' What!!!


's Time I move on! 'Cher: ' Try it first! Who knows, maybe he likes with you! 'Nam: ' do not seem to! I'm ugly, black, old-fashioned, no way helikes me!Ger: 'Yeah, anyway? But do not give up!

'Eventually the three of themback to the classroom, and meet Shone.Shone just glance at them.The next day, Nam and Shone latecoming to school. In front of the school Mrs Inn is waiting.Shone and Nam: 'Mom, do not be closed!' Bu Inn: 'You Shone, late again late again! You also Nam!' Shone: 'Excuse me ma'am, I already get up at six!'

Bu Inn: 'not possible! Six hours how come late!' Shone: 'yes ma'am at six forty-five minutes!' Bu Inn: 'You well, Shone (Shone spanked with bamboo)? If you Nam, whynot?' Nam: 'I'm sorry Mom! Earlier in street I met an old woman!

Grandmother wasnot able to cross the street I help, and finally I'm late!' Bu Inn: 'A lot of the reasons you! You must be punished!

Grasp both yourears.

Contoh Naskah Drama 5 Orang Dalam Bahasa InggrisDrama 5 Orang,Drama Bahasa Inggris,Drama Pendidikan,Drama Sekolah,Drama Siswa,Drama SMA,Drama SMP,Drama Sosial,Menulis Drama,Naskah Drama,Skrip Drama,Teks DramaNaskah Drama2:31 AMContoh naskah drama 5 orang dalam versibahasa Indonesiasudah di publish pada postingan sebelumnya. Contoh naskah drama kali ini topiknya masih sama dengan contoh teks drama yang sebelumnya, yaknidrama 5 orang, tetapi ditulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris.Anda mungkin sedang diberi tugas oleh Guru drama anda untuk memainkan sebuah adegan drama dalam bahasa asing (Inggris), nah berikut inicontoh naskah drama bahasa Inggris.Title of drama:Parents Sacrifice for ChildrenDrama players:1. ArdiDita:What's up friends?Veni's friends:All right. How about you Dit?Dita:Thank God, I'm healthy.Veni:How are you father Dit? He's well, right?Dita:Thank God, he's really healthy.

Thank you for asking my parent condition.Tika:Dit, Did your father was sick yesterday?Dita:Yes, but now he's already healthy.Tika:I am sorry, I did not get to see because I did not know. Gratitude when it's healthy.Dita:Its okay Tik, thanks for care.Huda:Dit, you better keep your father well. Do not let him get too much pain may recur work, he's old.Dita:SureHud! After recovering yesterday I've banned my Father worked heavy.Huda:That's true Dit.Ardi:Come to think of our parents have sacrificed so much for us.

We should be able to be a kid who knows reciprocation. We have to give enough attention to him. Replying tohisgiving to us, and trying to make him feel proud of our character.Dita's friends:You're absolutely Ar.

We must not be a child of a parent who only can be a hassle. We must respond to any gift to us. Appreciate his sacrifice for us. Without it, we do not even know whether we have enough to eat.Tika:If you contemplate, we are not be able to reply to service and sacrifice of our parents. They were able to do everything for us.

Something that is not capable of doing could be done for the future of their children. By the way, we must always remember and strive to treat them as queens in our lives. Do not ever exist among us negligent and indifferent to the condition of our parents, including at the time of his illness.Read more: