Eve Fnv All Dlc

Contents.IntroductionTale of Two Wastelands brings FO3 into New Vegas, bringing all the feature and engine upgrades(reputations, crafting, iron sights, hardcore, survival skill) from New Vegas to the Capital Wasteland. It provides a bridge to connect the stories in a logical fashion to allow both games in a single playthrough if desired.


It has some of the biggest names in Fallout modding working on it, bringing features exclusive to TTW.I'm currently splitting the guide into two components. Core NVSE. Authors: Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, Paul Connelly and Hugues LE PORS. Version: v5.1 beta4. Instructions: Download the v5.1 beta4 file. Follow these instructions:Extract the files from the archive into the Fallout New Vegas folder (where Fallout.exe is located).

Core Better Pickup Prompt. Author: Ladez. Version: v2.0. Installation: Install Better Pickup Prompt.JIP Improved Recipe Menu. Author: jazzisparis.

Version: v1.20. Requirements: NVSE, JIP LN NVSE. Installation: Install JIP Improved Recipe Menu.The Mod Configuration Menu. Author: Pelinor. Version: v1.5. Requirements: NVSE.

Installation: Install The Mod Configuration Menu and MCM BugFix 2.Loot Menu for FNV. Author: Gribbleshnibit8.

Version: v1.3. Requirements: NVSE, JIP LN NVSE, and UIO (Installed afterwards). Note: Currently this doesn't disable the default loot text. If this annoys you this mod can be skipped without issue. Installation: Install LootMenu.High Quality Pip-Boy Icons. 4K. Author: BmanBlazer.

Version: v1.83. Installation: Install Vanilla HUD Remastered 4K v1.83.

During setup, select VHR with VUI+ Patch.UIO - UI Organizer. Author: jazzisparis. Version: v2.08. Note: There may some files or folders in the Overwrite folder after exiting the game or after a crash. This is not a problem, those files can be ignored or deleted without issue. The mod will regenerate those files every time the game loads.

Installation: Install UIO - User Interface Organizer.Tutorial Killer. Author: pintocat - Roy Batty.

Version: v1.5. Installation: Install Tutorial Killer - Scripted version.Physics. Core Collision Meshes. Author: KaneWright. Version: 1.6.1.

Installation: Install CollisionMeshesFO3 and update Collision Meshes FO3 1.6.0 to 1.6.1. Get the BetterBoozeFix and PrecisionCollisionClutterFix optional files, and use Merge when installing to combine with the main mod in MO.Collision Meshes. Author: MadAce. Version: 1.5.2. Installation: Install Collision Meshes and Merge.These mods overhaul collision meshes on many statics.

Eve Fnv All Dlc List

Want to shoot between those metal bars? No more bullets being stopped when they shouldn't be.Ragdolls. Author: MadAce. Version: 4.1. Installation: Install Ragdoll TTW.Cut Content. Graphics Arlington Tombstones Redone.

Author: d7. Version: 1. Installation: Install d7tombstonesredo.Retextured Clutter Collection. Author: ObsidianStag. Version: vfinal.

Installation: This mod if packaged improperly. InstallNCR Civilian Clothing. Ck2 garrison not reinforcing. Author: Darziak.

Version: v1.0NCR Trooper Overhaulbeta. Authors: Emerald Reign, nekronom, cabal, wjs, dragbody. Version: vbeta. Installation: Install Main File Beta 72 and Sapper Leg Fix. Graphics. Author: dDefinder. Version: v2.22c.

Installation: Download the Enhanced Blood Texture, Alternate Textures, and Low Res Textures. Follow these instructions:Install the main file.Install 'Low Res textures' file and Merge.Open downloads folder in windows explorer to find Alternate Textures-34917.rar and extract Alt Blur Screen Blood.zip and Alt v2.0 Blood splatter.rar to download folder.Go back to MO and install Alt Screen Blood Blur and Alt v2.0 Blood splatter into Enhanced Blood Textures and Merge.EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced. Core. Author: Yukichigai. Version: v2. Note: May need patch for TTW DLC weapons.

Should work fine since TTW adds weapons to VPoisonWeapons list, but let me know if you find an issue.LODIn Bethesda games, there are 3 main types of LOD: TerrainLOD, ObjectLOD, and TreeLOD. TerrainLOD covers the actual heightmaps of a worldspace. ObjectLOD covers placed statics in a worldspace. TreeLOD consists of 2D billboards of trees and bushes placed in a worldspace. In New Vegas however, the TreeLOD system is broken. All trees should be built as 3D meshes and inserted into the ObjectLOD system.

In this section, we will install premade TerrainLOD as well as the assets needed to generate ObjectLOD later in the guide.TerrainLOD Enhanced Terrain LOD. Core. Authors: Ehamloptiran, Sheson, and FNVEdit TeamLoad OrderWhen multiple mods edit the same record, e.g. A gun or an NPC, whichever mod is lower in your load order gets priority. This is known as the run of one. In certain cases you'll want to patch two conflicting mods to get a combined result, e.g. PN edits the damage of a Laser Pistol while EVE edits the mesh.Load Order can be sorted either manually or with an automatic tool such a LOOT.Loot works by downloading a masterlist for FNV based on user submitted information on mods, and sorting them based on that information.

Thanks to darthbdaman's work on updating the LOOT masterlist for TTW mods, most mods should now be properly tagged and sorted. This will get you 95% of the way there.Basic instructions for manual sorting can be found here:Open LOOT through Mod Organizer and sort the mod list. Click Apply when the list of mods is presented. Close LOOT.PatchesThere are two ways to patch your game, the bashed patch and the merged patch.Bashed patches are created using Wrye Flash and are a semiautomatic method of patching all your mods. It however requires that mods have correct Bash Tags, a practice not often followed in the Fallout community compared to the Elder Scrolls community, and thus requires a second tool to generate the Tags.The other method is a Merged Patch, which patches formlists but otherwise requires manual patching.


Manual patching will always be superior to that generated by the scripts of the Bashed Patch due to lack of community support, however it is extremely time consuming.Create a Merged PatchSee Roy's video here:?Running FNVLODGen In MO, go to the archives tab and make sure 'Have MO manage archives' is Unchecked.Launch FNVLODGen through MO. After a moment of processing a window will popup.On the left pane, select the worldspace(s) for which you wish to generate LOD. You can select all of them at once.On the right side make sure Objects LOD is checked and that Tree LOD is unchecked.Click Generate.Once the FNVLODGen has finished it will give you the message 'LOD Generator: finished (you can close this application now).' Close the programGo to the location which you selected when setting it up (C:FNVLODGenOutput was suggested). Archive the meshes + textures folder and install with MO. Name this mod Generated LOD.In MO, go to the archives tab and make sure 'Have MO manage archives' is Checked.MCM ConfigurationMCM is a powerful tool that allows you to customize your game once everything is installed. Details of my suggested setup can be found.CreditsEssArrBee & Kelymch - This guide was originally based on the two setups by these extraordinary gentlemen.

It wouldn't have been possible without them!Roy - Constantly teaching me and telling me when I'm wrong.Darth mathias - Stylistic parts of his guide.STEP - Graciously hosting this guide and being an amazing community. They're how I got into modding!TTW Team - Making TTW, and providing support on chat.

So I just discovered that the texture for the Chinese assault rifle's are all messed up in my game. Couldn't find the fix in the forum's, I did see mention that it would be fixed in the next update. However that post was from June and I didn't find the dates for the versions in the change log. So I don't know if its something that still to come or if that was the 1.1a update that mentions weapon texture issues. I did a quick check by unchecking all of my plugins for both my FO3 and FNV mods, and the texture is still wrong. Would the next step be to uninstall all of my mods to find the conflict?

Or is there some little thing I can edit in FO3 or FNV's GECK? Lets see, FO3 load order is as follows:Fallout3AnchorageThePittBrokenSteelPointLookoutZetaThen the FNV load order is:FalloutNVDeadMoneyHonestHeartsOldWorldBluesLonesomeRoadGunRunnersArsenalCaravanPackClassicPackMercenaryPackTribalPackFallout3AnchorageThePittBrokenSteelPointLookoutZetaTaleOfTwoWastelandsBoth FO3 and FNV have mods installed, I didn't list any of those because, well theres a lot. However, they are all loaded after the listed esm's.

Eve Fnv All Dlc 2

I've also run FO3edit and FNVedit which did fix the issue of my super mutants not using their assault rifles.Hope this helps, thank you.B Roche. Oh wow, lots of mods. I get the texture issues too, although I fixed it myself, but the only mod I use that you use is Project Nevada.

Something to do with the Equipment Module perhaps? I'll look into it later and release a patch if necessary.Now. On another note. You load order needs serious work. A quick glance and I noticed:(1) You're using multiple Fellouts.

There is a combined.(2) If you are use all those WMX, may as well download instead. (It's in the MISC section of the downloads.) Make sure you grab the correct patchs.(3) There is also a on the forum. I'd grab that too.(4) The ranger neck cover mods are fixed in Project Nevada I believe. If you're using Project Nevada, you may want to grab the my.(5) Also, many of your mods are contained in, so I'd recommend looking into that, just make sure you grab the. Load the combined EVE after NVEC Complete (it should be loaded high in your load order anyway), and it'll work just fine).I'd also start a new game after installing/reinstalling all these.

Eve Fnv All Dlc Release

Eve Fnv All Dlc

Don't grab the combined EVE, I keep finding flaws with it. It breaks:-Embedded weapons added in New Vegas (all securitrons will only have the melee claw attack)-Tenpenny tower penthouse level.That said, the embedded weapons thing would probably be fixable with a merged/ashed patch. But it's just poor form as-is.

They're relatively easily quick-fixable in FNVedit if you're prepared to sacrifice a few things. Deleting the embeddedweapons list fixes the securitrons but causes the customĀ gutsiesĀ not to be able to use their new weapons, the tenpenny cell problem can be fixed in a similar manner by deleting EVE's edits to the cell.