Ck2 Garrison Not Reinforcing
Click to expand. Click to shrink.So, we don't have any pre-configured set aside? Is that not a thing we can do? Because that seems like an obvious thing to do.And how did ' While they worked, they planted listening devices and hidden cameras throughout the ship. They then withdrew, leaving a, 'faulty,' charge behind in the ship's power core, just in time for Virmirean forces to be, 'forced,' from the cluster by overwhelming Rachni reinforcements, leaving the dreadnought salvageable.Weeks of gathering data later, the devices activated and sent their data back to Virmirean space, giving the MoI an unprecedented view into Rachni military operations from the ground level before they were found and destroyed.' Happen without comm-buoys? Were they like.
Part of the listening devices or something? War Plan Kill them with Bug Bites- Everybody.- To gather as a reserve force within the Hercules system.- Immediately evacuate any assets you have on Eletania. You have an evacuation plan with a day's hang time; well, it's time to set it in motion. If you lose the void, your people on the surface will be cut off.- No. You are facing a colossal assault. You do not have the numbers to risk ships on a spoiling attack.
Your forces remain in Attican Beta.- Commanding Virmire's military. Your arena is war.
Ck2 Garrison Not Reinforcing Lyrics

It is how you came into this office. It is what you know best. X War Plan Kill them with Bug Bites-X Everybody.-X To gather as a reserve force within the Hercules system.-X Immediately evacuate any assets you have on Eletania. You have an evacuation plan with a day's hang time; well, it's time to set it in motion. If you lose the void, your people on the surface will be cut off.-X No.
You are facing a colossal assault. You do not have the numbers to risk ships on a spoiling attack. Your forces remain in Attican Beta.-X Commanding Virmire's military. Your arena is war. It is how you came into this office.
It is what you know best. As the update notes, the possibility exists that the Rachni remain unaware of our recontact with the wider galaxy. This suggests that they could be unprepared were we to coordinate a strike against the Nubian Expanse with both the Quarians and the Terminus Alliance, and the Quarians at least should be able to spare a reasonable amount of resources for such a strike, given that (if the current map on the Status screen is accurate) they are not currently directly exposed to the Rachni.On the other hand, if the Rachni are aware of recontact, then the possibility of a coordinated strike has likely been considered. This would still be a definite risk.
It is, however, the least likely of the aggressive options to have been anticipated and thus the most affordable risk in my perspective. I'd argue for either attacking the Nubian Expanse or playing defense. War Plan Sword- INFO Everybody- REINFORCE To gather as a reserve force within the Hercules system.- ARMY You will immediately rush reinforcements to Eletania, starting with your top-quality forces.

The Rachni have a habit of conducting orbital landings even without orbital supremacy, to ensure that even failed offensives leave lasting scars. You want your soldiers on Eletania to be ready to resist, should that come to pass.- ATTACK Yes. Virmire has made its life with bold risks.
To take attack now would be a risk indeed, but the prospect of spoiling or blunting any part of this offensive is a heady one.Personally, I agree with most commenter bout informing and risks.Warning everybody is logical, not only in that rachni aim at Virmire, but that they have restarted their offensive. Depending on the situation, there's a chance we somewhat warn Citadel and Terminus before Rachni reaches a strategic position for attacks.
Might not, but confirmation and somewhat coordinated front is better than a guessing game of 'what's going on!!' Click to expand.
Click to shrink.I'm seeing not many recommendations to actually go see what's happening in these other systems. What we need is Intel from these other neighbours, gained at any cost, so we know whether or not this is the only front we have to fight.It loses us a surprise attack, but it's not really a surprise to the rachni that virmireans are desperate for blood. Plus, with this information, we know if these rachni have put near everything into these two battlefleets. If so, a preemptive attack is a must. As the update notes, the possibility exists that the Rachni remain unaware of our recontact with the wider galaxy.
This suggests that they could be unprepared were we to coordinate a strike against the Nubian Expanse with both the Quarians and the Terminus Alliance, and the Quarians at least should be able to spare a reasonable amount of resources for such a strike, given that (if the current map on the Status screen is accurate) they are not currently directly exposed to the Rachni.On the other hand, if the Rachni are aware of recontact, then the possibility of a coordinated strike has likely been considered. This would still be a definite risk. It is, however, the least likely of the aggressive options to have been anticipated and thus the most affordable risk in my perspective. I'd argue for either attacking the Nubian Expanse or playing defense. Click to expand. Click to shrink.From the Rachni point of view the campaign will be planned 1 of 2 ways:1. They are unaware of Virmire's recontact with the Greater Galaxy.
In this case the Rachni will have their regular garrison facing the others and their main assault forces coming for Virmire, with a strategic reserve of some level. The plan will be, in essence, hit Virmire with more than it can possibly handle as hard and as fast as possible with the goal of finishing Virmire before anyone else even notices the Rachni are on the offensive. In this case there will no attacks on others powers beyond minor raiding or scouting. If this is the plan Virmire.MUST. have allies reacting immediately or Virmire is likely to lose given the odds that will be coming for them. On the other hand, if this is the case the Terminus and Citadel forces may have a golden opportunity to hit the Rachni while they are out of position to face them and have their main fleets coming for Virmire. The trick will be Virmire surviving long enough for the Rachni fleets to be drawn off.2.
The Rachni have picked up that Virmire has managed to recontact the wider galaxy. In this case the Rachni will be aware that they cannot expect the Terminus and Citadel forces to remain passive. The plan in this case will be for their main forces to be tasked with a set of objectives (Destruction of Virmire likely as it is a strategic ulcer, but others possible - the Rachni might think they can nail the Citadel or cripple the Terminus Alliance) and large scale spoiling attacks will be going in.EVERYWHERE.
in order to hide just exactly where their real focus is for as long as possible. If this is the plan and Virmire is the focus, it would be worse than above. The initial attacks will be smaller but still likely beyond what Virmire can handle on it's own and the possibility of reinforcements would be much smaller - and if Virmire is the focus of the Rachni offensive then Virmire cannot survive alone for very long.The focus on choices for plans should be which plan best disrupts the Rachni actions. If the planned Rachni actions are not disrupted, then Virmire's fall is a probable (but not quite certain) outcome.
'Another reason to reach out to the galaxy,' says Marae. 'We will need support from the Alliance.'
'As opposed to them reinforcing their own borders?' Asks Shurna in a delicate tone.
The room falls silent. 'As Matriarch Kirai said, we have no formal alliance with them. We are not a signatory. The fleet they promised to put on permanent station in our space remains in theirs. And if we are about to be attacked, it is almost certain that they are, too.
Even if the rachni are unaware of re-contact, and imagine that they can crush us in isolation before focusing on the others, they will swiftly correct that assumption should a Terminus battle fleet appear on their scopes. Any aid they offer us is aid they cannot use in protecting their own people.and we are not of their people. And frankly, given how vulnerable we suddenly are, I have doubts that we shall become one of their people, even if we are to ask.' 'They've dealt with us in good faith!'
Objects Marae, scandalized.' Of course they have, we've been valuable,' snarks Shurna, folding her arms. 'I doubt that we can expect anything from them over the short term. Perhaps if we are about to fall, we will receive reinforcements. I imagine it would be most helpful for us to owe them a debt, rather than simply joining as a powerful new player inevitably bound for prominence.' Click to expand. Click to shrink.You are assuredly making a jape, yes?SUGGESTIONS- Everybody.- To gather as a reserve force within the Hercules system.- Immediately evacuate any assets you have on Eletania.
You have an evacuation plan with a day's hang time; well, it's time to set it in motion. If you lose the void, your people on the surface will be cut off.- No.
You are facing a colossal assault. You do not have the numbers to risk ships on a spoiling attack. Your forces remain in Attican Beta- Commanding Virmire's military. Your arena is war. It is how you came into this office.
It is what you know best. You will direct this personally.RATIONALE1)Everybody gets a heads up because this is a war to the knife. Not a time to play astropolitical games.Only the living can squabble over territory. Multiaxial threats are how we won the first phase of the war. Even those who can't or won't send help can exploit the Rachni's focus in order to exact territorial gains on their end.2)Reserves win wars. Build a reserve.3) Eletania takes a day to evac under current plans. Nonessential staff and groundpounders should be gone.4) Half our available fleets are still dispersed.
So is the Explorer Corps.We do not currently have the force concentrations to be aggressive.Ergo, stand on the defensive.5)Mira is Legendary Military. This is what she does. We have ministers for the other stuff. It's a good thing we invested effort in building up Kurik's Run, as a route for military reinforcements and communications.And that we decided against going out of our way to antagonize the Salarian Union by making a diplomatic incident out of a spy capture.You are assuredly making a jape, yes?SUGGESTIONS- Everybody.- To gather as a reserve force within the Hercules system.- Immediately evacuate any assets you have on Eletania.
You have an evacuation plan with a day's hang time; well, it's time to set it in motion. If you lose the void, your people on the surface will be cut off.- No. You are facing a colossal assault. You do not have the numbers to risk ships on a spoiling attack. Your forces remain in Attican Beta- Commanding Virmire's military. Your arena is war. It is how you came into this office.
It is what you know best. You will direct this personally.RATIONALE1)Everybody gets a heads up because this is a war to the knife.
Not a time to play astropolitical games.Only the living can squabble over territory. Multiaxial threats are how we won the first phase of the war. Even those who can't or won't send help can exploit the Rachni's focus in order to exact territorial gains on their end.2)Reserves win wars. Build a reserve.3) Eletania takes a day to evac under current plans. Nonessential staff and groundpounders should be gone.4) Half our available fleets are still dispersed. So is the Explorer Corps.We do not currently have the force concentrations to be aggressive.Ergo, stand on the defensive.5)Mira is Legendary Military.
This is what she does. We have ministers for the other stuff.
Sick and tired of your Expansions getting looted? While players can collect the full amount that their Expansions produce, people who loot them only receive a mere 10% of the overall Expansion.
You would think that the fact that looters only receive crumbs compared to the entire loaf of bread would be enough to deter people from looting Expansions, but sadly it is not. Well, MZ has come up with a solution – the Garrison!This guide will walk through how to get a Garrison, how they work, good spots to build them and other handy tips to preserve your expansions. What is a Garrison?A Garrison is a building capable of protecting your from looters.
It can also protect the Expansions of your guildmates whose Expansions are close. Garrisons can be reinforced, just as you would be able to reinforce any other empire. Garrison BlueprintsYou will need 400 Garrison Blueprints in order to build a Garrison. Garrison can be purchased in packs and are available in bonus chests. You can also gift Garrison blueprints to a member of your guild by converting 50 Garrison blueprints at a time into giftable Garrison blueprints via the Magitek Converter.
Ck2 Garrison Not Reinforcing Key
The best part is that converting giftable Garrison blueprints does not reduce the original amount of blueprints or require any additional items – just 50 Garrison Blueprints. How Garrisons WorkWhen you’re ready to build a Garrison, find a spot with no other empires or blocked tiles nearby. One Garrison will only protect up to 8 Expansion of yours or your guildmates as long as they are 1 tile away from the Garrison. Placing an Expansion building above, below, to the left or right, as well as diagonally within a 1 tile radius of the Garrison will cause them to glow a yellowish amber color when tapping on your Garrison. The Expansion buildings that glow are protected by the Garrison.Next, you will need to reinforce your Garrison, or the Garrison belonging to another guildmate, with troops. You can only send one reinforcement march to one Garrison – the rest of the capacity will need to be filled with your Guildmates troops. Once troops are reinforcing the Garrison, anyone who tries to loot your Expansions will have to defeat all of the troops inside the Garrison before they can loot.
Building a Garrison Finding the optimal spot to build your Garrison is key.Finding the right spot for your Garrison can be tricky. If you bought Garrison blueprints in a pack, it probably came with a couple Garrison Teleports and a few Expansion Teleports to make things easier, even if you misplace your Garrison initially. If your Expansions are already in a tight spot with no room around them, then your best bet will be to move them to a new location using Expansion Teleports.When you build a Garrison, make sure that the 8 tiles directly surrounding the building are empty. If you accidentally build next to an area blocked by a lake or a dead empire then you and your guildmates are missing out on an extra tile that could potentially be used to protect another Expansion.You can also ensure your most important Expansions are double protected with by placing a Garrison on either side of them.
In the screenshot below, we can see that our three Expansions circled in red are protected by a Garrison at either side. Enemies would need to destroy every troop in both of these Garrisons before they are able to loot any of the three Expansions circled.Leveling up your GarrisonGarrisons can be leveled up using additional Garrison blueprints. Each time you upgrade your Garrison, the number of troops you can reinforce your Garrison with increases by 1 million and you gain an additional Troop Attack & HP boost that applies to all of the Garrison’s reinforcements.Here is a table that outlines all of the Garrison’s benefits each level.Garrison LevelReq.
Citadel LVLGarrison BlueprintsTroop Attack & HPCapacity (In Millions)11359831061301541177843000%9SummaryThe Garrison couldn’t have arrived at a better time. While some realms have put a stop to Expansion looting, others (like this author’s realm) are ripe with looters and thieves who don’t mind being looted back so long as they can loot others. Luckily, Garrisons will put an end to Expansion looting – but only if they are set up strategically!