Avast Not Scanning Files

I've been practicing my C# lately on a new system. Compiling is fine, however when I try to run the generated.exe file, avast! Thinks it is malware and runs it in the sandbox for a while (and it doesn't work in the sandbox as it should work normally), and only when it has finished scanning it will it let me run it normally.When I try to run it again, most of the time the same process happens, whether I make changes to the code or not.Is there any way I could play around with Avast's settings to stop it attacking my programs?Note: I'm dealing with very simple, command prompt programs here. The comments here are terrible. Pointing fingers at OP instead of simply helping, or 'it works for me!' The very idea that the program is only being scanned because 'it's doing something dodgy' is crazy - how does Avast know if it's doing something dodgy if it hasn't scanned it yet?:) Personally I get this all the time on a wide variety of programs I've compiled myself for whatever reason.e.g. SumatraPDF I suspect it's because these files are signed or 'installed' in any way.–Nov 14 '16 at 9:23.

Avast unable to scan 7 files

As others have mentioned, the culprit is DeepScreen. It's especially bad if you have Avast set to Silent/gaming mode because then you can get unexpected/bizarre behavior and have no idea why.

Avast Not Scanning Files On Mac

(I spent an entire day debugging the installer for a program I'm developing because it suddenly started running twice every single time I launched it- DeepScreen is very forgetful-and only succeeding on the the second run.)Going under Settings, Update, Details, you can turn off popups for the majority of them-the annoying update-related popups, which should make it easier to work undisturbed, play video games, etc. But DeepScreen popups still pop up!CANNOT DISABLE DEEPSCREEN: I've tried disabling DeepScreen entirely (under Settings, Antivirus), since it's so disruptive, but this checkbox appears to have no effect.Unfortunately, the only way I currently have of disabling DeepScreen (in Avast 2014.9.0.2021) is to disable all shields! And I'm not even sure that this is working, since I sometimes get DeepScreen popups even with all shields disabled. Avast can't be prevented from starting with Windows during boot, so maybe uninstalling Avast is the only solution. I Added a file path exclusion for my entire dev folder d:dev. and this worked using Avast Professional 2017:. Right-click Avast icon in the system tray.

Select Open Avast user Interface. Click Settings at the bottom left of the window. In the General tab scroll down to the Exclusions entry. Enter a folder name in the File paths tab e.g. D:dev. (Every file and sub folder of the dev folder will be ignored). Click ok, bottom right and the changes will be applied immediatelyI didn't change Enable Cyber Capture or any other setting.

I create D:ProjectDir then put source code or solution under this directory.Open Avast Settings Exclusions File paths and add D:ProjectDir.bin.this is safer than adding rule D:ProjectDir. because avast will scan source code for example in D:ProjectDirmyapp but not compiled app located at D:ProjectDirmyappbinDebugmyapp.exeD:ProjectDirmyappbinReleasemyapp.exeWith new avast (2018) Exclusions is enough you don't need to disable DeepScreenif still not work your app is truly Virus you need to disable or uninstall Avast:lol.