Windows 7 Laptop With Backlit Keyboard

Hi,This is a follow up report on my Dell 1550. I haven't been keeping up with the latest developments with backlit keyboards so I cannot help you with that. I can give you some general feedback about this Studio 1550 - the backlit keyboard and more. Recently, I put the laptop through a pretty severe test - outdoors for 5 days in temperatures that dropped into the teens. My primary purpose in getting the backlit keyboard was to do some minimal typing an use F key shortcuts while in the dark and at the telescope. The laptop worked very well in the extreme cold.

I did spring for a Seaport i-Visor Pro in order to protect it from the dew and frost I was experiencing ( This briefcase/visor was well worth the investment. The backlit keyboard shuts down by itself after about 30 seconds of inactivity.

The keys are illuminated with a nice cold white light and the letters, etc. Are very crisp and easily read. I have to say that the performance was more than I expected and is actually superior in my opinion to the backlit keyboard that I purchased from Saitek for my Desktop. Saitek is known specifically for their backlit keyboards. The difference between the two may have more to do with the configuration of the keys. In any event, there is much less light leakage coming from the Dell than the Saitek.


If there was anything to be disappointed with it would be the fact that unlike the Saitek, there is no way to manually dim the keyboard. What you have is 2 brightness settings and an 'off' position. So critical areas of the sky where I was attempting to find/observe 14th magnitude objects (objects that are about 150,000 times dimmer than the naked eye star Aldebaran), I had to manually turn off the backlit keyboard and use a red light instead. This is because it is important to keep the eyes adapted to the dark.

Of course this has nothing to do with most people's worlds and how they would be employing the backlit keyboard!I was glad I bumped up the processor to a 2.53 GB P8700 Intel Core2 Duo. I was around 4 other astronomer types for around 2 weeks - each with their own flavor of laptop, some with more than one.

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All of them said that they had never seen a better looking screen - a 15.6 HD 1080p high brightness LED. The downside is the reflections that can fly in from anywhere.

Laptop With Illuminated Keyboard

This highly reflective screen makes the laptop relatively useless outdoors so I broke down and purchased from View Guard ( and anti-reflectivity cover, which I am told serves double duty as protection for the screen.I don't know what bad experiences you have had with Dell - I can only imagine. I definitely think that their customer service sucks and from what I have heard, has for years. All I can say is that this is my first Dell product and so far I am very happy with it.RichardHope this helps.