Skyrim Sleep With Follower

Viljameans willpowerVilja in Swedish means willpower, guts, determination. And that is something Vilja has got lots of!When she inherits a mysterious bottle from her grandmother, the young Solstheim girl decides to go to Skyrim to find out the truth about its content. But, things haven't turned out as Vilja has hoped. After travelling the hostile roads of Skyrim for months with her horse Bruse, she still hasn't found the only person who can help her, and now someone has stolen the bottle! She may be brave, but now she needs help!You'll find Vilja in the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. Will you help her? Will you let her come along with you, and will you help her in her missions?

Yes, over time it will turn out that she also has another, secret, reason to be in Skyrim. In fact, if you let her tag along with you, you will find that her quests will mingle with your quests for a very long time to come, and you will learn to know quite a few interesting and fully voiced side-characters.Vilja is a companion mod with quests, rather than a questmod with a companion. So, what is the difference?

Well, you should never feel 'forced' to play Vilja's quests instead of your own. They should be a natural, integrated part of your life in Skyrim, but last for a long time.Vilja doesn't only have her own agenda - she also has her hopes and visions, her thoughts and opinions, and a background story that she will share with you over time.Her dream is to become a bard, but as all women in her family traditionally become alchemists, this is what her family expects also of her.She isn't the best fighter in the world (why would she then need your help?), nor the best marksman, and when it comes tospells, she starts with only a teleport spell and basic healing. However, this will surely change over time, and she will become more and more proficient. She also has a broad range of other features, and she will certainly change your lonely life in Skyrim, as she is talkative, curious and very unpredictable.NEWIN VER 4.2 - brief overview:-Side-by-side walking - developed from the system introduced in theFollowers as Companions mod by Ishara Meradin.- Improved hotkeys attack system - Vilja should now hit her target moreaccurately.- Improved sneaking behaviour. Vilja can be ordered to stay away and takecover.- New flute music - four new tunes - for Vilja by Bosa123.- Tweaking of marksman behaviour - Vilja should no longer prefer steelarrows in combat but instead use the best possible arrows in herinventory.-Minor tweaks and corrections.NEW IN VER 4 - brief overview:- A new system to interact with Vilja through hotkeys. The system will allow you to:a) determine attack targets for her, also for sneak attacks.b) configure her dialog tree to your liking and be able to talk to her without activating her with the E-key.c) make her shut up when needed.d) smalltalk with her as you travel without using the E-key or breaking the movement (perfect for roleplayers)- Full interaction and lots of scenes with the follower Inigo by SmartBlueCat Inigo is an excellent mod which we highly recommend!- A new questline which will give you a new optional follower and a new full set of armor. Add-OnMore about ViljaWith multiple quest lines (including a romance-track for romance and marriage), unique abilities, 28 custom music pieces and over 9000 lines of voiced dialog, the Vilja-mod should keep you entertained for many, many game-hours to come. Pokemon fire red how to get to sabrina.

But the dialog and features have evolved so far that even her creators can't keep track of it all. There are many surprises tucked away in Vilja's dialog topics and we encourage you to just try them all. This is just a brief overview of her features and what differs her from other companions/followers.- The mod includes more than 9000 lines of voiced dialog, and almost 6500 of these lines are for Vilja. Vilja is by default very talkative, but if it is too much for you (which would be understandable), you can easily adjust the settings in her dialog (Main topic: Travel together). She won't be upset with you even if you tell her to keep completely quiet.- Improved following behaviour.

In order to make Vilja follow as well as possible, she will warp to you whenever she gets stuck. This will only happen when you are not watching, so if you notice she is stuck, just turn away from her and continue to walk. (The warping can now be toggled on/off for situations where you don't want her to follow). Vilja also has a summon spell that you will have access to as soon as you have completed the very first part of her quest. (It is activated with the shout-key).

If you should lose track of her, you will be able to find her by activating her quest - a questmarker will then show you where she is.Vilja has the Lightfoot perk, so she is unlikely to be the victim of common traps.By default, Vilja will follow you with a behaviour similar to other followers, but through dialog you can choose to allow her to sandbox while following (similar to the Dawnguard companion Serana), which will make her a little more lively. The sandbox behaviour can be toggled on and off in dialog (Main topic: Travel together)With ver 3 of Vilja, we are also using another alternate following behaviour, which can be combined with the sandbox, where Vilja acts more lively and sometimes run ahead of you.- Disposition system. Her disposition towards you will change over time and depend on your actions towards her and towards the rest of your environment. If she is really mad at you, she will surely let you know, but you will also spot that her current disposition towards you will be mirrored in what she says and how she responds.Of course there are also ways to improve her disposition. For instance, she enjoys a sweetroll or something to drink. You can give her a compliment, thank her or give her a gift, and sometimes this will lead to an increased disposition. And as a bard-wanna-be, she will of course like it if you care to listen to her music.With ver 3, Vilja has started to build up a 'long-term-memory' which we are hoping to expand on.

Certain things you say and do will be stored in her 'memory' and it might affect her responses towards you. NEW!Comprehensive Guide to Vilja’s Outfits and WardrobesReador download- Optional wardrobe system with several possibilities: a) Decide exactly what Vilja should wear b) Predefine what she should wear during different situations (adventuring, city life, at home etc) and tell her to auto-change depending on the situation c) let her totally decide on her own (like in ver 1.5).


Skyrim Sleep With Follower Mod

(Manual for the wardrobe is included)- Detailed fighting instructions. You can tell Vilja if she should participate in fights or stay out of trouble. You can also tell her whether her fighting style should be ranged or melee. Later on she will learn to use different spells and chants, and you will then be able to finetune which of these spells and chants she should use. As soon as you finished the very first part of her quest, you will receive three 'commands' (activated with the shout-key) that you can use to give Vilja quick-instructions during battle: Vilja Attack!, Vilja Stop Fighting!, Vilja - Stop Fighting and Follow me!

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With ver 4, you can also command Vilja whome to attack (see above).- Configurable features. Within her topic 'Travel together' you can configure various things regarding her behaviour, herwardrobe, her chatter, essential/protected, warp/not warp etc. You can also configure a number of her habits. If there are things with her that irritates you, have a look and you might find that you can easily get rid of this habit.- Healing. From start, Vilja can only heal herself during combat, but later on she will also be able to keep you healed.- Sparring. You can practice your fighting skills together with her in a friendly combat. You can also let her practice fighting skills with your housecarls, or you and your housecarls can practice sparring.- Crafting.

Different from vanilla followers, Vilja can actually use crafting stations! Provided, of course, that you give her the correct material. She may not use them for the same purposes as you, though. Optionaldownloads:Fixfor Corrupt Form Lists Alsoknown as “A fix for Chargia”. Sometimes, the formlists in yourgame can get corrupt, for instance when you are reinstalling Skyrim.If Vilja suddenly stops using her wardrobe system properly, it’sas sign of that this has happened. This fix will cure the formlistsrelated to Vilja’s wardrobe system. Follow the instructionsprovided in the package.from Emma's Elder Scrolls SiteFix for Hearthfire adopted children:Normally in Hearthfire, as long as you are not married, you talk directly to the children if you want them to move elsewhere.

But, once you get married, the children will auto-move when you tell your spouse to move.However, as Vilja has her own unique voice and dialog, and as she is independant from Hearthfire, she won't automatically gain the Hearthfire dialog that makes your adopted children move with her to new childfriendly houses.Therefore, in this fix, the children will KEEP their dialog that makes it possible to talk to them directly and tell them where to move. It should be useful also for other spouses with unique voices, but as I consider this a betatest-version, I have simply just uploaded it here on theVilja-page.from Emma's Elder Scrolls SiteVilja Unique face CBBEVilja's unique face adjusted to CBBEfrom Emma's Elder Scrolls SiteVilja Uniqueface ADEC CHSBHCVilja's unique face adjusted to ADEC or CHSBHCfrom Emma's Elder Scrolls Site.