Over The Void Undertale

So as not to obstruct your search for the some chapters, I have created a separate favorite. Over time it will grow. In the meantime, something that I have strength right now. EnjoyChapter 1.Error as usual lying on the cold floor of his white space, sometimes talking with the voices of a (at least so it seemed), but most prefer to remain silent, thinking about something. The head moments tingled with pain from too loud cries of one of the votes, but the skeleton tried not to pay attention to it.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes and after a while fell into a restless sleep with nightmares.Error woke up in a cold sweat and with the breath knocked. After bony fingers over his face, he took a sitting position, trying to calm down after a nightmare that seemed so real. A little more and he will again self-flagellation, so creating a small portal, Error watched the other likes him through a kind of window.White emptiness has become an integral part of the Inca. He did not remember how and when I got here, did not remember whether it was the place from where he came from and where he can get back.Whenever such thoughts came to visit the artist's head, he tried to drive them away, isolate themselves from them, do not let that stop him complete the mood next creation.An urgent need to change the direction of reflection! The memory pops up image of Snowden, the place where time has not visited Inc., where there is always snow, and all the monsters are surprisingly friendly. The place where his own copy of his brother.Each Sans must be a brother, right? So why he is not at all?

His unfortunate mistake? Some perverted torture fans Undertale? The artist did not know and is not particularly hoping for the answer.Though at the Inca and was confident that he was here alone, every time he came out of this world and was directed to a new 'blank canvas' in his soul something resonated, forcing to say goodbye to the emptiness.

Maybe the artist secretly hoped for an answer? Perhaps he did not yet know the answer to this question.Long sit still Error tired quickly, so expanding the portal, he entered it and began to look around, wondering what to do first. It came to mind the idea to go to Grillby, because it is so long ago did not try his favorite ketchup. Though in anti-vacuum and forget hunger, taste your favorite food will never fade from the memories. Therefore, I gathered courage and pulled harder on the head hood, skeleton toward the diner.Heart was still an unpleasant sediment alone, very much like that someone was there.

The thoughts again began to curl into a ball furious, trying to break the skull. Time though again slows down.This is one of the few cases where Ink don't want to create a new AU, do not want to go again for a new 'white canvas', because last time when he was trying to create something without mood, he turned the universe, where everything Mettatons are.Shaking his head, the artist decided to just walk along the already familiar to him the universe. Where you can go?Ink opened a few small windows and portals, look where you can go.His choice fell on Underswap.Travel to Underswap did not end very well.

Ink is not enough that is not ranked in the place where he wanted, so also prevented local papyrus and Sansa to their guests.?A slight disorder rather quickly replaced by unreasonable enthusiasm! Likeness sat on the white floor and pulled the long edge of your scarf, trying to straighten careful in makeshift canvas on his knees. Then he took from his pocket a small dangling hoodies brush than the one that hangs behind him and a small jar of black mascara. Stretch your arms, Sans began to make sketches, because it is in moments of inspiration to him can come to the idea to create a new world.On a beige scarf slowly began to appear flexible lines, converted to pictures. The first sketch appeared, devoted only to what he saw the situation, because she did not want to leave until the end of Ink's skull. Following this sketch any other.Frisk, covered with flowers, Sans clothing scholar, Papyrus, looking at the stars, and so on.Force was not enough, that would be all right now to recreate, so that had to do with simple sketches.Inc. When finished the last stroke, he threw his scarf behind her back, put the tools used by the and again lost in thought, only this time more joyful.After a failed teleportation Ink for some time did not particularly like again to make jumps the worlds, but boredom slowly began to take their toll.

The skeleton was almost asleep, but cheered up when he felt like his head quickly drawing to 'ground'.Ink got up, dusted himself off and looked around, re-opened a couple of portals.Eyes clearly looked towards forest of Snowdin. The idea that it's worth go to unwind normal still puttered somewhere in my head. Painter closed his eyes and lungs doubts re-entered into the portal.Chapter 2.Error as soon as came out of the portal, immediately he fell to his knees, holding his head.

Even a little bit and he loses consciousness, so the skeleton making a couple of frauds fingers for hours knocked Fell Sans and a few minutes later he hung up, still continuing to fail the entire body.White has always been the world is not particularly pleasant place for the Inca. In a completely white room, where there is no beginning and no end, he was always alone with himself. Being in constant fear of madness, that at any moment could reach his mind, he always tried to get away from here.He is constantly engaged in the creation of new worlds, where there were monsters and people ready to understand it.

Let it usually does not come out with the inhabitants of the worlds on contact, but he felt that they live and rejoice. This fact has helped not to leave his job, and continue again and again working through similar between a location, duplicating and changing their inhabitants.Perhaps this is the only reason why the artist has not yet pulled off the coils.Error. But his outlook was radically different. Inca were so far not led by reason, he wanted to help a mistake, but he was not ready to sacrifice just so innocent inhabitants of the worlds, did not want to sacrifice worlds.

He wanted to get rid of a minimum of casualties.The soul resonated painfully every time he realized that his desires are utopian and impossible.Every time he wanted to do so, what would that nightmare is over, I just have to paint it white space and live happily, let this happiness and it would be an illusion.Inc. Entered the White similarity floor and began to look through the eyes of his buggy copy.When Sans held off an attack, and he had no hope of success.

But the fact that the thread will tighten his soul and he will hurt like hell, and health will gradually decrease (that reach almost to death HP), he did not expect. Yet, after a short wave of pain, Sans was able to see that the error has moved with him in a completely empty space, from which the whites wanted will blink. Then again, the skeleton did not remember anything, and when he came to himself, without opening his eyes, Fell wished that it all turned out to be a bad dream. He waited for the harsh reality of a body lying kidnapped him Glitch and white oppressive silence. He could not move, as soon as he tried to move from the place of the thread began to squeeze the soul, and it and so reduce the CP start rapidly approaching a dangerous point of death. So lie down and do not rock the boat was the Safety solution.

Sans could only move my head and look around. Besides Glitch and himself (by virtue of its review of lying) skeleton saw no more than that was a relief and panic.' Although no boss here, but what I do not know where the aid does not seem to be, is not very happy' - a quiet panic thinking Sans, trying to find the positive even in this situation, to finally not begin to hysteria, watering all the mats and, as a consequence, reduce its HP to 0. He did not think of anything, I decided to just wait and maybe somehow swing her kidnapper.Skeleton with buggy moan rose to his knees, one hand resting on white likeness of sex, and the other still holding his head. To fully recover, it took about 5 minutes to stand like this and only Error sitting position. Looking around at the sides, he said wallow Fell Saens.- Hey, are you okay? - Destroyer turned to him and stood up, walked a little closer, it would be seen.

Remembering he fetters, with a low ohom weakened them so that the Suns could safely talk and move slightly.Chara came out of the portal in the Anti Void where it has never been, or would be. Okay, this is not about that.It might seem that Chara itself has created a portal and left it in an anti emptiness.

So at least it would seem Error, Fell and Sans. But the Chara, just came in the wake of Ink.'

Over The Void Chapter 6 Undertale Comic Dub

What is this place? Why everything is so white? What's going on?' Of - for the abrupt change of location, anger Chara slightly diminished, but not completely.' And where the hell all?!'

Chara began to search this Errora, almost oblivious to the Inca. Error was here, as seen Chara 'landscape' of this location through him portal.But. It was not here.

Actually, was a white, Ink and rear. But every second could cost Fell Sansa life.'

And where is this Error? Maybe I can not find it at all?

I see only a white color, it's location is already beginning to strain, and why this piece of white sheet I can not find even a point indicating Error and Sans?' -Ink, You know where to find them, there and then you spent namnooogo clearly longer than I have.It seems that the magic of Ink led him in this situation, having passed in this world Char. His reaction to this situation could only guess, but it seems that right now it is not particularly thought about the technical part of the 'jump'. It was clear that it goes in a straight line in the intended direction Error.

Of course, as any version of a Frisk and Chara are determined. And now, smiling her determination it was aimed at searching.He quickly shook his head in different directions, trying to find what might catch the eye.

Monotonous landscape really scared.There was a way to quickly try to find Error to teleport directly to him, but it was a pretty risky move. Ink looked at Chara and trying to understand how this action can be dangerous and decided that it's worth to offer such an option.-We Can teleport to an error. But I have no idea what might happen next.Chapter 3.- For the kidnapped and almost dead, everything is fine!-Sans allocated last words impressively looking at your health indicator has fallen to almost zero.- Well, why do I tell you? We do not know, just found out about each other, and if you did not let go, I'll get you what you did throw me. It is necessary to you? - Sans began slowly razgavarivat mistake to leave this a horrifying place.

His torn apart fear, anger and silence, leaving no piece.Error put his hand to his face and sighed, beginning to regret that took with him this nervous annoying lump of anger. Opening the console, the skeleton of what is out there and scored all XP of Fell Sans restored, because prematurely kill him did not want to.- Firstly, I knew about the existence of your universe, and secondly, if you do not shut up, I'll knock you again. I said with displeasure error.Chara turned to Ink, who proposed an interesting idea. Teleport directly to Error.-Teleport directly to Error?

Over The Void Undertale

Because if we do not teleeed, the Suns hurt or may even die. And I thought that this Error, at least a little good. And why do I still had not helped Sans. He could just teleport to the portal and immediately go to him. What would Sans received less damage. I really feel sorry for him.

And why can not he just cut through these threads?' Just do not want to, what would the Error that - anything else made with Sans.The idea of ​​a quick teleportation is clearly accounted for Chara's soul, but Ink is still tormented by doubts; 'Why do I have to teleport it to you?

Suddenly she immediately starts a fight?' , But the idea drowned out a bunch of other 'You can not it just be left in the Anti-emptiness,' 'Oh, you unfeeling creature!' , 'Think logically, if you get caught in the net, then you can not help Sans! ',' you can not go to Error alone! 'The artist realized that this is the only option, although not the most reliable.He again grabbed his hand and held a black line, then turned and called Charu.' It was was not'- Well, well! Only don't be angry.

Maybe just agree? - Sans remarked on the horizon colored spots and decided that the worst will not be started glitch distract themselves, to give a little time and latitude for manerva alleged aid.- Just tell me why you brought me here? Could he leave quietly. And what is this place?It took about 50 more seconds before finally Inc.

that opened a portal.' And maybe we saving NOT Sans?' The thought flashed Enchantment in the head, but she immediately went after the opening of the portal.

Chara filled DETERMINATION.Well, okay. I hope we can help Sans!Chara And finally - the portal entered. Where saw Error, and his sacrifice - Sans. Chara is not even paying attention to what's around it's simple white. She just radiated strongly to help Sans.Error -Greetings you. Great pass of torture Sans?All re-swim the sight during teleportation.

The process of movement by means of portals, and even with the need to come to well-defined objectives, not moving himself alone, took no little strength, so that the output Inca legs buckled and he sank to the floor.Everything was not bad, was standing in front of them and they, Error Chara were both safe. The fact that Chara did not go immediately to the attack, and for a while delayed, was overjoyed artist.The error was distracted, so that even the Inca appeared quite a bit of time, which would restore a modicum of force.All options have their pros and cons. You could join the battle, and then, by joint efforts, they were able to save this Sans, but harm Error not want. You could try to re-enter the peaceful contact, but it could trigger unpredictable reactions from all the other three sides. And you can try to escape, for all this, it is necessary to permanently divert Error of control over threads and, as quickly as possible having called Chara and freed Sans to her, to reopen the portal to the forest Snowdin, but then he certainly shut down from exhaustion and He is able to do anything any more.Afterthought that we would have to discuss with Chara strategy in advance colitis hurt somewhere under the ribs.However, the hope that all will be well, was not unfounded. Chara is not in a hasty attack, Sans was alive and even has a full scale of HP and near the Inca still have power.Rising from his knees and making the most confident and friendly person, which he is capable, Inc. Still turned in an error.-Error, calm down, let's still try to solve everything peacefully?Error just simply left the question UF!Sans ignored.

He noticed, I started looking around nervously from side to side, this worthless piece of shit, and have realized that to them very soon come uninvited guests, which will take destroyer with all the 'cheerfulness'.Lazily getting to his feet, dark skeleton looked upward, where hung the blue thread and jerked the ones that were on his fingers, forcing Fell ragged breath of air from the mouth of his brazenly hung there.- Sit there quietly, lustful bitch. Ordered glitch to Sans, even though the way he tried to say something, but he did not succeed because of the magic of Error.

The latter turned to close fallen guests of Inca portal and began to observe them. Rainbow skeleton looked pretty shabby and tired, probably using 'short cut' with someone away from him a lot of effort, but it is, in spite of their well-being, even tried to stand up and give your mind more confidence and goodwill. In vain tries, anyway Error all noticed, and so, and it is not affected by this kind of friendly.

All of them are liars.Thinking to myself something and opened the portal, dark skeleton looked at the surprised faces of these two words and grinned at Chara.- Now everything will be just fine. Answering the minnows, Error unexpectedly for them, he grabbed her soul, and linking threads on the hands and feet, Charu ran into the portal, right in its AU, and then immediately closed it, exhaling with relief. On one monster became less in his world. Then Glitch eyes turned to Ink, he heard the earlier question about the peaceful path and is now thinking about it.- What makes you think that I am not calm?

- Error smiled good-naturedly, but the atmosphere of this smile became tense to the point that the poor Fell sweating nervously at the ceiling. Yes, and you know that in a peaceful way we have never been able to solve anything - extended dark skeleton, but the attack is not going to, because Inc. Not held on to his brush. Although it was a great chance to catch the old enemy by surprise, but the Error loved when they were fighting on equal terms, it is so much more interesting.

(Ebony clutches her head and groans. Aster is leaning against her, passed out. TaBa and Dead?Ebony are lying on the floor.)Ebony: W-what happened?

She looks at Dead?Ebony) Who are you?!Dead?Ebony: I-I'm you!TaBa: I don't know how to explain what happened, but I can try and show you.(She tries to pull up the previous roleplay, but it glitches out and disappears.)TaBa: That didn't work.Ryder: Where am I?TaBa: Oh, it's you.(Dead?Ebony groans. Aster stirs in his sleep. Ryder sits next to Ebony.)Ryder: I'm Ryder, but call me Ry.Dead?Ebony: Can I call you 'loser'?(Ryder smirks. He stands up and offers his hand to Ebony. She takes it, smiling. Aster wakes up and looks at Ryder.)Aster: Hi!Ryder: Hey!(Aster smiles brightly, and Ebony chuckles.)Ebony: You're pretty cool.

I'm Ebony.(Ryder grins.)Ryder: Charmed.(TaBa looks at the both of them, both amused and nervous.). (TaBa floats to the ground and does a cartwheel.)TaBa: I might be able to restore my gang's memories.(TaBa snaps her fingers, and a computer appears. Attached to the computer is four wires. TaBa hands Ebony, Aster, Ryder, and Dead?Ebony one wire each. She then looks up the Undertale AU Wiki on her laptop. TaBa then looks up the old RP and presses 'ENTER'.

Ebony, Aster, Ryder, and Dead?Ebony freeze, and their eyes glitch out. They fall to the floor. TaBa slams her computer shut, and it disappears.

Ebony groans, Aster shivers, Ryder rolls over on one side, and Dead?Ebony clutches her head.)TaBa: That ought to work. (Ebony looks at Maguto strangely. She scrunches her eyes in confusion.)TaBa: Then again, it doesn't matter that much.

Looks like they're regaining their memories. It might take a while. That was a pretty bad glitch.Dead?Ebony: Ugh, my head.where are we? Ebony was dancing with Aster.a glitch.(Dead?Ebony picks herself off the ground.

Over The Void Undertale

Aster winces and sits up.)Aster: Oh.wasn't I.(Aster looks down and is suprised to see himself wearing his normal outfit.)Aster.Dancing?(Ebony glitches out.)Ebony: Dancing? I.I'm not sure.That doesn't sound right.(TaBa looks suprised.

She stares at Ebony, who is sitting on the ground, confused. She then looks at MagutoTaBa: The more someone wants to forget something, the harder it is to restore their memories. But.what would she want to forget.(Ebony stares at TaBa knowingly for a second, then resumes her confused expression.

Over The Void Comic

TaBa's squints at her.)TaBa: She went through a lot of pain.maybe that?(Ebony takes TaBa's hand, clutching her head. Only TaBa's right eye glows. Her left eye is pitch black.)Ebony: Just a scratch, right?TaBa.