Windows 10 Apps Won T Launch

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  1. Windows 10 App Wont Launch

Post Contents:-.Why Windows store not responding?Windows 10 store app caches some details about installed and available apps to speed up the process of browsing them and improving the responsiveness of the Store app. But sometimes due to a corrupt system file or bug on the latest update, this cache may get corrupted or damaged. That results, windows store unresponsive, Microsoft store won’t open or closes immediately after open. Fix windows 10 store won’t openWhenever you face windows 10 store related problem,. Press Windows + R, type wsreset.exe, and press Enter.

The WSReset tool resets the Windows Store without changing account settings or deleting installed apps. A blank Command Prompt window will open, It would clear the caches of Windows store. After about ten seconds the window will close and the Store will open automatically.Check Date & time are correctThis is the most common reasons behind windows store won’t open problem. Windows store connects through the internet to download install apps and games.

No windows apps will open windows 10

If your PC time zone is different from your region then you will get errors while launching the app store, because its data compares the date and time and fails to load if the comparison is not equal. For that, you must update the time and date according to your region. Open settings using keyboard shortcut Windows + I. Click Time & Language, then Date & time. Here adjust the exact time zone depending on your region. Restart windows and open windows store, check problem resolved.Disable the Proxy connectionSometimes may Your proxy settings might be stopping your Windows store from opening.

Windows 10 App Wont Launch


Just upgraded my Windows 8.1 Pro (Lenovo W540 laptop) to Windows 10, everything went smoothly, all my settings and installed apps preserved and work without a hitch.The only issue is - Windows's own apps - Calendar, Mail etc. Even Windows AppStore - won't launch. When I run them I very briefly see a window flashing and then nothing happens after that.Any idea what's going on and how to fix it?EDIT: Seeing bunch of these in Event log: Activation of app Microsoft.WindowsStore8wekyb3d8bbwe!App failed with error: Access is denied. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.