World Of Warships Sucks

  1. World Of Warships Wiki

I know it sucks at long ranges with its terrible dispersion but theres no realistic reason when you finally have a dd or cruiser in your sights at close range after suffering with their HE spam and dodging torpedoes for half the game and finally you get close enough for some well deserved payback and you line up the perfect shot while hes broadside trying to torp you and you see 2 or 3 go high and 2 or 3 go low and on top of it i had 1 go like 75 feet in front of the ship which was further than where i aimed. What does the US Navy allow bent and warped gun barrels on their damm ships. Its not even close to being realistic or fair at this point. Originally posted by:The Wyoming. I know it sucks at long ranges with its terrible dispersion but theres no realistic reason when you finally have a dd or cruiser in your sights at close range after suffering with their HE spam and dodging torpedoes for half the game and finally you get close enough for some well deserved payback and you line up the perfect shot while hes broadside trying to torp you and you see 2 or 3 go high and 2 or 3 go low and on top of it i had 1 go like 75 feet in front of the ship which was further than where i aimed. What does the US Navy allow bent and warped gun barrels on their damm ships.

Its not even close to being realistic or fair at this point That's normal for T4 BBs since they have a lot of guns with a lot of damage which should compensate accuracy somewhat.Wyoming is actually good, wanna me recording a replay with it and uploading it? I have no idea how to explain how to use it better.About reasons: crudely manufactured shells have different masses, skewed centering, different powder charges, etc. Aachar sanhita meaning in english. All those affect their trajectories a lot. Originally posted by:The Wyoming. I know it sucks at long ranges with its terrible dispersion but theres no realistic reason when you finally have a dd or cruiser in your sights at close range after suffering with their HE spam and dodging torpedoes for half the game and finally you get close enough for some well deserved payback and you line up the perfect shot while hes broadside trying to torp you and you see 2 or 3 go high and 2 or 3 go low and on top of it i had 1 go like 75 feet in front of the ship which was further than where i aimed. What does the US Navy allow bent and warped gun barrels on their damm ships. Its not even close to being realistic or fair at this pointTHISIts absurd that I can't hit and sink or severly damage an aircraft carrier or a DD from 3-4 km.It's just ridiculus.I can understand the bullet spreading over a ranged shot of about 10-15 kmBut being unable to hit a ship broadside from 4-6 km (complete miss) is broken mechanic plain and simple.Hope they correct it in future patches.

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Originally posted by:to stop you from camping at the map border and just being useless but not sharing your hp and armour.^ This.I'll upload some replay using Wyoming today. What setup should i use? How about:upgrades installedall top modulesbut no camouflageno any kind of signal flagsnon-improved consumablesCaptain with only 3 skillpoints used!Does that sound fair for comparison purposes? I don't think using stock configuration is a good representation, and also on tier 4 there are just a few upgrade slots having small bonuses.( 1:not a typical battle, enemy CVs were so dumb that they were spotted in the open, sank one myself with several citadel shots. But tell me Wyoming guns are weak or inaccurate - 7 citadel hits, 105k damage, High caliber.