Rome 2 General Skills

Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. Hey everyone lets share thoughts and idea's about skill trees in Total war!.Which of the 3 shogun skill trees for Generals do you like best and why?.How do you feel about having a skill tree for veteran units in single player?.What kind of skill tree would you like to see in future Total war games?For me, I think RotS has the best tree, It was more refined than the vanilla tree, but still allows for better customization of character than FotS.Edit: I meant to say which of the 3 shogun games has the best tree: Rise of the Samurai, Vanilla or Fall of the Samurai. I'm going to throw my hat in for Fall of the Samurai. It combined it into two paths which are pretty much equal. I love skill trees, I'm really excited to see them expand it in Rome 2. One of the reasons I like it so much is that it makes me feel more invested in the characters. What I'm really excited for is hopefully the diversity in skill trees between armies.

Since everyone in Shogun 2 is fighting with the same units for the most part. There's no reason for the skill trees to be different. However, in Rome 2 it covers some of the most diverse and unique fighting styles there are, so there's no reason that a roman legion would learn the same skills as the Carthaginian Golden Band.

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Or a German Berserker, not too mention all the units in the East. Shogun2 -Admiral and Warrior trees are avoided like the plague. Useless trees imho.General are too valuable to be risked in the frontlines, especially in Ashigaru armies and sea battles are boring.Strategist, always maxed out. Too usefull.Honorable, on the Daimyo (if needed).Otherwise, whatever points in my army focus. If i use tons of Ashigaru ill seek to boost their morale. Cav boost if i use them a lot.

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The rest of the points go to help buff the army as a whole, i don't really care about high level perks, i rarely get a general to that point.For the future? Make the all perks worth using.

Rome 2 Best General Skills

Real choices. Or just use having to choose from trees that make sense like infantry, cavalry, strategy, management ect ect.Too many of them were there as pointless prerequisite. Ex: i dont really want to waste points on cavalry perks when i use a general who only lead infantry.