Hp Laptop Spacebar Not Working

Your keys may not be working properly because they are either loose, or damaged. If you very CAREFULLY pop one of the keys up that doesn`t seem to be working, look underneath it and make sure nothing is clogged in there and that the `x` looking plastic piece is still there that most HP laptops have.If that is the case, look underneath the key and find where it clips back on to the X and carefully put it back.If the key still does not work, you may need a replacement keyboard. If it does work, repeat the process with the other keys as well. Nmakhi said: That what is does, it restarting more and more and the beep sound is not stopping.We tried to change ram, cpu and even hard drive but the noise and the loading screen is can`t show.if we load another hard drive it load but stops, then we can understand that maybe it was not booted on the machine but still making a continuous noise.my friend I work with says maybe it a board but I doubt that because when you take out the HDD it says there is a cable unplug and that what confuses us.I already loss hope about this laptop. Leader BoardLeading TodayPtsHelpful1.20072%2.200100%3.20077%4.200100%5.200100%6.20083%7.200100%8.200100%9.20012%14.2004%Leading this WeekPtsHelpful1.60064%2.40073%3.40077%4.40083%5.40088%6.400100%7.40098%8.32592%9.2867%11.20016%14.20012%16.2006%20.200100%Leading this MonthPtsHelpful1.200083%2.1400100%3.120088%4.1200100%5.107292%6.80082%7.800100%8.60072%9.6008%11.6000%13.4026%15.4001%18.40013%21.4003%24.40014%.

How to fix your spacebarWorking

Hp Laptop Space Bar Not Working On Keyboard

It all started on a fateful June day when a poster in the NotebookReview.com forums posed the question ' This poster had been thinking he was losing his mind based on the randomness of his keyboard registering keystrokes. Sometimes key presses wouldn’t register unless you hit a key in precisely the 'right place'. Sometimes the space bar wouldn’t register at all. Sometimes CAPS LOCK CAME ON RANDOMLY AND EVERYTHING HE TYPED WAS STUCK IN CAPS. But then other times he wanted Caps Lock on and it didn’t work.

Hp Laptop Spacebar Not Working

Hp Envy Laptop Spacebar Not Working

And sometimes the Shift key would stick after being pushed. The poster also noticed other places on the web with similar complaints:.I could go on listing sites where the web denizens have typed (or at least tried to type) out their misery, but you get the point right?HP keyboard problem discussion will cause us to have to increase database server storage capacityApparently the became the 'go to' place for discussion of keyboard problems related to some of the Pavilion notebooks. Namely the dv8000 and dv5000 line. Here’s just a sample list of threads related to the HP keyboard problem we have in the forums here:. (most active).In case that’s not enough evidence to make you believe there’s at least some type of problem, witness this video a forum member took of his dv8000t keyboard acting up:We know HP knows about this problem, but do they care?A couple of our members in the forums were privileged enough to have contacts or know of people that worked for HP in Taiwan. Without disclosing any names, a person with the dv8000 contacted me via email and indicated he bought the notebook and noticed the keyboard problem right away. He knew a guy who works for the HP notebook hardware division in Taiwan so sent him an email.

It turns out that the friend actually worked in the design group for the dv8000 so they got on the phone and worked through a few things, and even got the person that designed the keyboard area involved with the conversations. People in the hardware division had not heard of this problem before (this was in August) but soon after HP sent out an email for this problem to be tested. So as of 4 months ago we know HP was looking into the problem. This specific person that was unhappy with his dv8000 keyboard got a replacement in the form of a dv9000z and was asked to send his dv8000 to an HP center for one of the engineers to look at.In order to get the dv9000z replacement for the mal-working dv8000 the NBR member was given 'special' customer support. Other members on NBR have had to ship their notebook back to HP several times to 'fix' it, but usually their notebook ended up getting scratched and damaged in the process and never at all fixed.We asked HP to comment on the issue and they did indicate to us a BIOS update had been released to hopefully fix the problem, but when forum members tried this 'fix' it turned out to be another false hope. To date there is no fix for this keyboard problem.

It’s likely a hardware issue as users have indicated the problems exist in both Windows and Linux. It seems the best solution is to send in your laptop about 3 times for repair, then demand a new replacement notebook. Another solution is to post a video on YouTube.com as our forum member that took this approach is magically getting helped out with a new HP notebook now. No, they’re not giving him another dv8000.