Mass Effect First Contact

ByFandoms:.23 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryThe first contact war was followed by years of hot and cold warfare between humans and turians. Several attempts by the council to force a permanent truce has failed. Now both the Hierarchy and the Alliance has agreed to an armistice which has lasted for 6 years.

  1. Mass Effect First Contact Fanfic

Gagarin Station (Jump Zero)has been established as a place of reconciliation, where turian recruits and human biotics train side by side as supposed allies. However, old grudges die hard and for some of the students it's hard to let go of the past.Will friendship outlast the end of childhood? When team Four is spread across space, divided by duty, will something remain of Jump Zero’s lessons, or will the new emerging enemy strain every relationship past its breaking point?New chapters (pretty much) every week! Language: English Words: 414,613 Chapters: 90/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 33379. By,Fandoms:,.22 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryAU: Shepard is the sole survivor of her crew and the first human to make contact with an alien race.

Mass Effect First Contact Fanfic


Garrus Vakarian is a C-sec instructor who finds himself in a mire of political intrigue, death and destruction as the turians consider what to do with the newly discovered human race. And he's not the only one interested in the human's life or death.At the break of dawn, the Shanxi wars will begin.who will survive?.FINISHED. Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 133,234 Chapters: 28/28 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 4179. Byfor,Fandoms:,.22 May 2019 Tags.SummaryCommander Shepard was there the day Earth lost the First Contact War. Major Garrus Vakarian personally watched Humanity surrender to the Turians. But they never could have dreamed the roles they would have in the oncoming fight.Yeah, it's an arranged marriage AU.

Cuz I'm Shakarian trash. Series.Part 5 ofLanguage: English Words: 72,467 Chapters: 33/53 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 11117. Byfor,Fandoms:.11 Nov 2018 Tags.SummaryThe mission to Akuze should've been simple, but once they arrived, Amber Shepard had the misfortune to watch Thresher Maws slaughter her comrades. Just as she was on the brink of death, she found herself under the care of Saren Arterius. If she wants to get back home, they'll have to form a bond of trust.If this bond of trust can help with diplomacy between the humans and the Council races, then this bond of trust can also help them stand together when strange events show up to test the fate of the galaxy. Language: English Words: 240,177 Chapters: 97/97 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 5437. ByFandoms:.07 Nov 2018 Tags.SummaryOriginally posted for a MEKmeme AU prompt named: In love with the MarkGarrus is a member of Blackwatch who purchases a human slaved named Jane upon discovering her true identity of 'Operative Shepard' - one of Cerberus's most infamous assassins despite the general consensus was that Shepard was male, and was also part of the Alliance.

He's willing to do anything to protect Palaven, and intends to do all he can to expose the shadowy organization that has been pulling various strings around the galaxy which no one seems to believe exists regardless of the cost.If Jane Shepard can complete her mission, she'll finally be free of Cerberus' leash to find her family again. She'll be able to get away from the organization that she was practically indentured to ever since they kidnapped her before turning her into a weapon against her will, but only if she obtains the information they want and she knows it won't be easy. She'll need to access to someone with connections to the turian military, or Hierarchy who she can use and probably kill though.The problem is that the first time the two lay eyes on one other, they both find themselves not wanting to accomplish their respective missions.

Language: English Words: 27,559 Chapters: 13/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 1760. ByFandoms:.02 Oct 2018 Tags.Summary'Fedorian is dead,' Garrus had told him. 'You're the new Primarch.'

But Adrien had lived a whole life before those fateful words were said to him.Excerpt: The Captain unfurled his posture from the table, rising to his full height. Behind his amber eyes, a hundred scenarios played out in his skull, the best components from each of them reconstructing themselves like puzzle pieces to ultimately create a strategy that imbued his second vocals with conviction as he met the officers’ gazes and told them plainly: “Then open the gates.” Series.Part 5 ofLanguage: English Words: 13,621 Chapters: 3/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 514.

ByFandoms:,.02 Oct 2018 Tags.SummarySequel to the Potter Attraction set centuries after Reunification and the discovery of Martian ruins, after unification under the Solar (later Stellar) Alliance, after eezo, magic and chakra combined to take people to the stars. Peace was theirs in a Golden Age until a strange ship showed up out of the black. What followed would upset everything. Part previously published as Casus Belli on Fanfiction.Net Language: English Words: 8,989 Chapters: 2/? Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 167. ByFandoms:,.31 Jul 2018 Tags.SummaryEight months after the First Contact War, Salome Haw is still trying to get her balance. She's got a job, an apartment, and a wedding to attend, but it's hard being the new species in the galaxy.

Especially when someone is trying to kill you. But because she is really bad at prioritizing, that might be the least of her concerns.Relationships, new and old, feel far more lethal. Series.Part 2 ofLanguage: English Words: 43,084 Chapters: 8/8 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 358.

ByFandoms:.15 Jul 2018 Tags.SummaryShanxi was far from a lost cause. With the turian fleet in decline it was time to take the colony back and reclaim humanity’s dignity from their blood stained talons. But were the alien invaders as monstrous as they seemed? Were humans any better?

With a chance encounter with a turian ground fleet commander infamously known to the Alliance as the Ghost, Sophie Knighton wasn’t so sure but was the charge of treason really worth the risk to find out? Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 120,198 Chapters: 10/11 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 3483.

ByFandoms:,.31 Dec 2017 Tags.SummarySet in the timeline of the First Contact War, a turian vessel crash lands on the human territory, Nevera Basen. A vacant forrest of land, there is only one human there to meet the fallen soldier. Wounded and alone Sparatus is left to the mercy and kindness of the human female who appears at his crash sight.

With communications signals down, Sparatus has no choice but to accept her company. The two are now presented in their own battle of language as they try to understand one another, slowly bridging the gape between turian and human differences. Language: English Words: 9,007 Chapters: 4/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 677. ByFandoms:,.17 Dec 2017 Tags.Summary'Could you repeat that?' Marianne's voice was hoarse.'

We are at war,' the Ulysses' officer obliged.There was a heavy silence. No one spoke, but their minds where whirling, attempting to comprehend how truly astounding that statement was. Salome thought it might just be the most incredible thing she'd ever heard. She wanted to puke.While out searching for a new planet for Earth to colonize, biologist Salome Haw and her crew are pulled into a war no one saw coming, and ends up in a place she could never have predicted. Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 40,481 Chapters: 11/11 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 605. ByFandoms:.05 Nov 2017 Tags.SummaryCommander Evelin Shepard and Captain Garrus Vakarian are the only survivors of a bloody set of battles over the planet of Canae during the First Contact War. Harsh life on Canae with little hope of extraction brings the two together, and what begins as a tenuous partnership becomes something more, something that will change the fate of the galaxy.

Language: English Words: 29,415 Chapters: 15/20 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 3379. ByforFandoms:.22 Oct 2017 Tags.SummaryDanielle Shepard was there when the turians first attacked the Systems Alliance after trying to activating Relay 314. One month in, Shepard is captured and offered a chance to end the conflict, but she'll have to fulfill one condition if the truce was to work.