War Thunder T 34 85 D5t

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  3. War Thunder T 34 85 D5t Kilograms

Just bought the t34-85 and to tell you the truth, it sucks.The tank is:Super slow with terrible accelerationTerrible gun depressionSuper low magnification opticNo armorThe sight is so bad it's hard to hit the lower glacis of a panther at even 200 meters, that is if you can aim low enough to hit it. Even noob panther drivers could blow an experienced tanker like me away.

Sure I still did better than them, but these were just some random tankers in staged. I was the one who flanked, listened for their in the bushes, hatch peaked to see them coming ahead of time, and last and most importantly of all, I shot first every time.I have no problem with aiming for weak spots as I'm an avid Pershing player, but at least give me a sight that magnifies enough that I can see them.I knew the tank wasn't going to be as good as my Panther, but I didn't think it would be this disappointing. Sorry mate I have to disagree with you.

War Thunder T 34 85 D5t

This is one of the Soviet tanks I experience as a righteous slayer of my Panther.It’s brutally good at its job, and my little panther’s tail is quickly between its legs!One of the main advantages I find is that if not careful first shot bounces, and after that my whiskers are singed -off.I can't remember the last time a t34-85 user ever game me trouble when using my Panther. Don't even have to flank to pen with the first shot, and when I do flank it's game over for him. I'll have 2 into his side before he even turns at me and then he still has to try and aim for a weakspot before I put the last shot anywhere I want. Dude pls, a medium isnt a bunker, so the T-34-85 is if you stay completly hull down (90mm turret with stalinium) 85mm cannon that 2 shots panthers and E8s low repair cost. Just learn to tank firstI actually laughed out loud reading this one.

Anyone who has played against me knows that I'm one of the better tankers in the game. I have a lot of practice using various types of tanks, and even take them to war successfully. Maybe I wasn't clear in the original post. My score with the t34-85 would be considered great by most, but it was WAY lower than what I can do with other tanks like the Panther.

I spotted the enemy and shot first in pretty much every engagement. I think I know how to tank just fine lolStaying completely hull down is not possible in most parts of the map, and usually gets you boxed in so that AT infantry can easily kill you while you can't even escape. You can also just shoot the cupola of the t34-85 when it is hull down, so it's not invincible.I'm trying to make a non biased comparison of the medium tanks considering I own many of them. I won't make any comments about the easy eight at this time because I do not yet own it.

Beefier gun and 200 creds cheaper.Thats about it.Think of if as a higher hp, better armored, turreted Tank Destroyer rather than a Medium Tank.I actually unlocked the t34-85 just to try out the 2 shot kill cannon, but those 2 pro's do not outweigh the many cons. I usually don't use turretless TD's, but the su85 is WAY faster, has a much better reverse speed, is super quiet, and hard to spot in bushes.I'll end with this overview of the match. I destroyed 15 enemy tanks, 14 panthers and 1 hetzer. I lost 11 t34-85's. Like I said above, this match would be great for most people, but the reason it is so frustrating is I played WAY better than the enemies. I flanked, I spotted them first, and I shot first, while they basically camped in the same spots around o3 on the forward airfield map. If we reversed roles here and I had the Panther and they had the t34-85, I probably would've died 2-3 times at most.

Every time I shot first would just be a 3 shot kill every single time. I can only recall a few times I ever lost more than 10 Panthers in a single match, and I destroyed over 30 tanks in all of those matches. So to lose 11 t34-85's in a single match to players that just camped, is a shocker. Is it the Panther that is OP or the T34-85 that is UP? Regardless, it's nice to see someone who knows that the Panther is better than the T34. The near-invincible turret is useless unless you can find a wall low enough to see over but high enough to protect your body. With the low speeds and accelerations, it is more difficult to flank with.

And, even if you manage to get a hit on a Panther's side, they'll turn toward you before you can fire another shot, and by the time you line up your crosshair to the weakspot you'll be dead. There is not a single tank in this game that has good armor, or even decent armor, except the heavy tanks which hardly anyone plays since heavy tanks are AT rambo bait anyhow.T-35/85 is a guaranteed 2 hits to kill (or short fire) on any medium in the game. It's average damage is 850 per shot, giving you exactly 1700 damage on 2 shots (again, on average) which brings any medium tank down to exactly 0 health.It also has one of the highest shot velocities in the game which means it can reliably take out moving targets since high shot velocity = less lead is required to hit.

T-34 85 For Sale


High shot velocity also makes it great at shooting down airplanes.As far as Panthers go you should expect a 50/50 chance to survive against a Panther. You can kill him in 2 shots while (on average) the Panther will always require 3 shots to kill you, while 2 shots generally just set you on fire.Furthermore the T-34/85 has a really strong turret so anytime you can cover your hull (e.g. Using rocks, stone fences, terrain features and more) you have a fairly good chance at bouncing off shots. It's one of the few tanks in this game where there is a reason to go hull-down. As an example the Pz IV has weaker turret armor than hull armor so even if it goes hull-down it doesn't give it any benefits at all.Overall the T-34/85 is a great tank and performs very well against all mediums. Panthers and Easy 8's will be dangerous adversaries but honestly. Both Panther and E8 are tier 3 mediums like the T-34/85 so you should have a healthy respect for both of them and expect your chance to survive a firefight with them to be 50/50 at best (unless you ambush them which is an entirely different story).

There is not a single tank in this game that has good armor, or even decent armor, except the heavy tanks which hardly anyone plays since heavy tanks are AT rambo bait anyhow.T-35/85 is a guaranteed 2 hits to kill (or short fire) on any medium in the game. It’s average damage is 850 per shot, giving you exactly 1700 damage on 2 shots (again, on average) which brings any medium tank down to exactly 0 health.It also has one of the highest shot velocities in the game which means it can reliably take out moving targets since high shot velocity = less lead is required to hit. High shot velocity also makes it great at shooting down airplanes.As far as Panthers go you should expect a 50/50 chance to survive against a Panther. You can kill him in 2 shots while (on average) the Panther will always require 3 shots to kill you, while 2 shots generally just set you on fire.Furthermore the T-34/85 has a really strong turret so anytime you can cover your hull (e.g.

Using rocks, stone fences, terrain features and more) you have a fairly good chance at bouncing off shots. It’s one of the few tanks in this game where there is a reason to go hull-down. As an example the Pz IV has weaker turret armor than hull armor so even if it goes hull-down it doesn’t give it any benefits at all.Overall the T-34/85 is a great tank and performs very well against all mediums. Panthers and Easy 8’s will be dangerous adversaries but honestly.

Both Panther and E8 are tier 3 mediums like the T-34/85 so you should have a healthy respect for both of them and expect your chance to survive a firefight with them to be 50/50 at best (unless you ambush them which is an entirely different story).The t34-85 is only slightly faster than a Pershing, with worse reverse speed and acceleration, so it's more likely to get ramboed that the Pershing heavy.If I'm in the Panther, there is no way it's a 50/50 that a t34-85 is killing me lol. I'm going to shoot first and kill him in 3 shots while he struggles to even spot me and on top of that hit a weak spot with a barely magnified sight.Good luck hitting the Panthers cupola or lower glacis (if you can even aim low enough.) past 200 meters. Stuggle to get the aim just right while Mr. Panther happily puts 3 shots right into your huge front plate.The Panther is also much faster than the t34-85 so if anything, it will be flanking you, not the other way around.

It has what the t34-85 really needs to survive, which is speed and a better gun sight.Like I said above, I've never had trouble with t34-85 or easy eight when using my Panther. My tank kill ratio in the Panther has to be 7+ I rarely die in that thing while I blast poor e8's and t34's to scrap heaps.

T-34-85 World Of Tanks

You might survive 50/50 against a bad Panther driver like found in most staged matches, but anyone good with rip you apart. There is not a single tank in this game that has good armor, or even decent armor, except the heavy tanks which hardly anyone plays since heavy tanks are AT rambo bait anyhow.T-35/85 is a guaranteed 2 hits to kill (or short fire) on any medium in the game. It’s average damage is 850 per shot, giving you exactly 1700 damage on 2 shots (again, on average) which brings any medium tank down to exactly 0 health.It also has one of the highest shot velocities in the game which means it can reliably take out moving targets since high shot velocity = less lead is required to hit. High shot velocity also makes it great at shooting down airplanes.As far as Panthers go you should expect a 50/50 chance to survive against a Panther. You can kill him in 2 shots while (on average) the Panther will always require 3 shots to kill you, while 2 shots generally just set you on fire.Furthermore the T-34/85 has a really strong turret so anytime you can cover your hull (e.g. Using rocks, stone fences, terrain features and more) you have a fairly good chance at bouncing off shots.

It’s one of the few tanks in this game where there is a reason to go hull-down. As an example the Pz IV has weaker turret armor than hull armor so even if it goes hull-down it doesn’t give it any benefits at all.Overall the T-34/85 is a great tank and performs very well against all mediums. Panthers and Easy 8’s will be dangerous adversaries but honestly.

Both Panther and E8 are tier 3 mediums like the T-34/85 so you should have a healthy respect for both of them and expect your chance to survive a firefight with them to be 50/50 at best (unless you ambush them which is an entirely different story).I overall agree with RedFoxFour, but T34-85 anyway deserve to be bit buffed in terms of mobility, to be at same or slightly worse then Panthers. Also with current penetration system,where we have ridiculous normalization.so far medium tanks are most balanced class in the armored vehiclesgo for Lights = chaffee feastinggo for medium TDs = Hellkitty,nom nom, everythinggo for medium tanks =.kinda balanced.and i posted i would buff T34-85 and Panther this way -go for hevies.food for AT rambos:D. I am a veteran tanker, and I just can't see anything about the t34-85 that makes it even competitive with a Panther. Sure, you can 2 shot kill them at super close range, but anything over 200-250 meters is going to be extremely difficult to land 2 penetrating shots in a row before they hit you 3 times. I always do WAY better in my Panther or Hellcat, usually destroying 5-10 tanks per death.

It's a struggle to even destroy 1-2 Panthers in the t34-85 without dying. And the Panther is fast enough to actually flank where the t34-85 is like a slug.The sight is what really turns me off, though.

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Even the M3 Lee has a better sight than the t34-85. I am a veteran tanker, and I just can’t see anything about the t34-85 that makes it even competitive with a Panther. Sure, you can 2 shot kill them at super close range, but anything over 200-250 meters is going to be extremely difficult to land 2 penetrating shots in a row before they hit you 3 times. I always do WAY better in my Panther or Hellcat, usually destroying 5-10 tanks per death. It’s a struggle to even destroy 1-2 Panthers in the t34-85 without dying. And the Panther is fast enough to actually flank where the t34-85 is like a slugThe sight is what really turns me off, though.

Even the M3 Lee has a better sight than the t34-85against german tankers is quite easy cuz most of the time they will be camping, many times they and go back to the same spot so, you can flank and kill many times the same player over and over again. Furthermore the T-34/85 has a really strong turret so anytime you can cover your hull (e.g.

Using rocks, stone fences, terrain features and more) you have a fairly good chance at bouncing off shots. It’s one of the few tanks in this game where there is a reason to go hull-down.

As an example the Pz IV has weaker turret armor than hull armor so even if it goes hull-down it doesn’t give it any benefits at all.that is true but then you find the panther that actually cant be penetrated in the most part of the hull and can almost fvck you up in any position in a face to face battle you can penetrate the panther in the lower frontal armor plate, if your poor gun depression allow it of course.(flanking is advised to fight panthers). I really hope that all the players disagreeing with Aust1n46 aren't players that have GE as main.Now, here's the real problem about the T34-85: if some of its bad traits are because it's cheaper than the other medium tanks, than that's wrong. I'm pretty sure that every SU tanker would be fine to pay more in repairs in exchange for a better, more competitive tank.Obviously, if a tank was actually 'bad' in WW2 then buffing it here just because of balance will ruin the realism and I can understand why it shouldn't happen, not every time at least. But if, to have more variation, something is made cheaper or more expensive and it's stats are changed accordingly, then this shouldn't happen.It'd be nice to know if Reto used this way to 'measure' tanks or not.

War Thunder T 34 85 D5t Kilograms

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