Turned In Late Google Classroom Hack

Preventing cheating is a concern of teachers who use tools such as Google forms to deliver assessments. While it is impossible to eliminate all possible methods of academic dishonesty, you can certainly make it harder to cheat! Turn on “shuffle option order” for a multiple choice or checkbox question to randomize your assessments. This feature can be used inplace of the “shuffle question order” option or in conjunction with it. Using this feature will NOT impact the use of Flubaroo or the quiz feature of Google Forms.


Each spring I offer a 5 week Google Forms masterclass. Join me for a deep dive into Google Forms!The feedback has been outstanding:'I was a casual user of Forms, but I was not using the data that I had collected to it's full potential. Now I am writing better Forms so my data is of higher quality and I am better able to analyze the results so I'm making decisions based on data.not just giving surveys.' - Laura Foreback, middle school teacher This course is perfect for classroom teachers, tech coaches, and school administrators!Interested?




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