Google Chrome Version 72.0.3626.121

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The Google Chrome team has released version v72.0.3626.121 to all official users, which is the third maintenance release since the last official release. There are no new features and improvements in this update, mainly to fix known issues. The problem with this fix is the leaked PDF component leaks.Previously, researchers found that there are vulnerabilities in the PDF components built into Google Chrome. When malicious documents are executed, information is sent to two unknown servers.


Google Chrome Version History

This vulnerability in Chrome that opens the pdf file can leak the user’s information. The successful exploitation of the could cause the target user’s an IP address and other information to be leaked.

Google Chrome 72 Version Download

Chrome 72.0.3626.121 offline download

Female qunari sliders no mods. This also applies to 'de-googled' versions such as Chromium.Don't use that one either. Blink does a pretty good job across the board, but even in spite of that, anything with Blink has been so abused with regard to privacy these days, that it's hardly even worth looking at as any real option for browsing. If I was hobbled with slow connection speeds and limited RAM, I too might be stuck having to use a Blink rendering engine product as well. Open Source Chromium took itself off the table as soon as it was learned that portions of it were 'Google Contributed' -Sure, Mozilla might have it's own issues along the way too, it might be a bit slower and somewhat clunkier in some certain circles, but the only thing that saves Firefox for us is the fact that we can still ramp it down and keep it from phoning home as often as Chrome does - We also don't need to install as many extensions in order to help maintain it's over all performance as it relates to privacy. Couple that with our RAM and connection speeds, we're pretty well set for the optimal end user experience without having to depend on anything with the Blink rendering engine.