Jaykin Bacon Episode 3

My name is Parker Marker. But i was a playtester for jaykin bacon episode 3 until i decided to delete the game and leave the server. In 2018 march i became a playtester and decided to join one of the servers and hang out.

We were having fun until the next map. It was dedust, but instead the sand was replaced with grass and there were blood on the walls. I thought it was one of their maps. So i shrugged it off.

While walking around i noticed that. There was no one.

There was some music but it was quiet. And something felt. This time i thought it was a new gamemode. While walking around i saw a person with the playermodel that postal uses. I thought it was postal.

He spotted me and came to me holding a cat. I noticed my weapons were gone and i saw. That he was holding my cat!. Screw this im gonna quit the game.

But i wasnt able to. I was pressing escape nothing happened! I decided they rebinded it so i hit every button. I tried alt-tabbing ctrl+alt+delete nothing!

I was forced so i ran up and unplugged my computer. And to my shock.

I was scared shitless until postal came up to me and farted in my face! My character was losing his skin!

Then i realized a weird smell. Then there was green gas everywhere in my room! I decided to run out! But the door was locked! I tried everything to get out nothing!

Untill i passed out and hit the floor. I woke up in a chair. I wasnt able to see where the exit is. Untill i saw. Then i heard it. The voice that the scientist says. Postal left and i decided to get out of the chair.

The sounds were getting closer and closer i tried running into the darkness. Untill i hit a wall.

But it wasnt a wall. It was a door! Then i realized i was in csoffice. I ran through the corridors untill i saw monkeys blocking the exit! I ran the other way and the scientists were there! Screaming RUN RUN!

I WILL TEAR YOU APART! I screamed and ran the other direction untill i saw that i was surrounded.

I decided to run and jump through the window. I got injured.

While crawling away i saw jill in the car! My name is Parker Marker. But i was a playtester for jaykin bacon episode 3 until i decided to delete the game and leave the server. In 2018 march i became a playtester and decided to join one of the servers and hang out. We were having fun until the next map. It was dedust, but instead the sand was replaced with grass and there were blood on the walls. I thought it was one of their maps.

So i shrugged it off. While walking around i noticed that. There was no one.

There was some music but it was quiet. And something felt. This time i thought it was a new gamemode. While walking around i saw a person with the playermodel that postal uses.

I thought it was postal. He spotted me and came to me holding a cat. I noticed my weapons were gone and i saw. That he was holding my cat!-Hehehe tricked ya. You are in a world that is going to traumatize you!then the other devs came in.

Postal dropped my cat and all of them beat her with their fists. It wasnt decals. It looked realistic! I was crying since i heard her screaming. I decided to move in and block them. But i wasnt able. I wasnt able to move!screw this im gonna quit the game.

But i wasnt able to. I was pressing escape nothing happened! I decided they rebinded it so i hit every button.

I tried alt-tabbing ctrl+alt+delete nothing! I was forced so i ran up and unplugged my computer.

And to my shock. I was scared shitless until postal came up to me and farted in my face! My character was losing his skin! Then i realized a weird smell. Then there was green gas everywhere in my room!

I decided to run out! But the door was locked!

I tried everything to get out nothing! Untill i passed out and hit the floor.

I woke up in a chair. I wasnt able to see where the exit is. Untill i saw. Postal.-Hehehe that wasnt enough!-NO! STAHP!then i heard it.

The voice that the scientist says. Postal left and i decided to get out of the chair. The sounds were getting closer and closer i tried running into the darkness. Untill i hit a wall. But it wasnt a wall. It was a door!

Then i realized i was in csoffice. I ran through the corridors untill i saw monkeys blocking the exit! I ran the other way and the scientists were there!

Screaming RUN RUN! I WILL TEAR YOU APART! I screamed and ran the other direction untill i saw that i was surrounded.

I decided to run and jump through the window. I got injured. While crawling away i saw jill in the car! I screamed-STOP! PLEASE HELP ME!

I DONT WANNA DIE!She decided to drive away leaving me for 4 dead. I ran to a car breaking the window and hotwiring to drive away. I found the exit but the gates are about to close so i drove as fast as i could and got away.

I found a portal that was at the other side. I drove as fast as i can untill i got there and then. I was back in my room. I got a text from postal.Good job!

But it aint over yet. It only just started!i blocked postal, left the server, deleted the game and went to sleep.

Episode 3 Hl2

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Jaykin Bacon Episode 3 Full

Jaykin Bacon Episode 3

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