Herniated Disc And Glucosamine

Glucosamine and chondroitin for back pain are 2 substancesthat are theorized to be helpful in building cartilage and slowing downthe typical degenerative processes in the spinal column. Thesecompounds are taken orally as anutritional supplement. Glucosamine and chondroitin are sold in health food stores inliquid and capsule form and high quality G&C supplements can be ratherexpensive.Going back a few years, glucosamine and chondroitin were allthe rage in the back pain treatment industry.

  1. Glucosamine Chondroitin For Herniated Disc

So many doctors andchiropractors sold them, often at tremendous markups, and patients werethrilled at the possibility of fixing their spines using theseall-natural substances. However, results never lived up to the hype andnow G&C are no longer favorites among.Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Back Pain Facts. Glucosamine and chondroitin are some of the building blocks ofcartilage. Both substances also have powerful anti-inflammatoryproperties. G&C have been used for over 40 years as nutritionalsupplements with and without direct association to treating back ache. In fact, people take these supplements for a wide range of different reasons.Glucosamine and chondroitin are naturally found in the humanbody.

Glucosamine is also found in the exoskeleton of crabs, lobstersand shrimp (chitin). Chondroitin is found in the cartilage of otheranimals. Shark and cow cartilage are the most common sources of qualitynutritional chondroitin supplements. The need for sustainable harvesting of G&C sources has slowed down production in some markets and also increased cost of many of the final consumer products.Glucosamine and Chondroitin as Back Pain TreatmentsGlucosamine and chondroitin will not work specifically to relieve back pain.

They mayhelp to build cartilage and keep your joints functioning smoothly.can erode the cartilage around the spinal bones. Without the protectivecartilage, the various components of the vertebrae can rub against eachother, potentially causing painful symptoms.Bone spurscan also form around the.Facet joint syndromeis the name of one diagnostic theory used to explain discomfort dueto joint deterioration in the spine. Degeneration of the cartilageleads to increased friction in the spinal joints. This bone-on-bonecontact is the suspected reason for most facet joint symptoms.Using glucosamine and chondroitin may help to rebuild lostcartilage and increase the natural protective measures in the spinaljoints. Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Back Pain AdviceI tried to use various forms of these substances for several years.

Myback painwas so severe, that I was trying everything in order to findsome relief. I never noticed any positive effects from eitherglucosamine or chondroitin. However, I did not have arthritis in myspine or facet syndrome. I hadherniated discsandback muscle pain.I did not know that G&C would not be of any use to me.Many of my said G&C were great for discpathologies, but I have also read that they have absolutely no benefitsin helping to repair or heal disc issues. I believe their claims andrecommendations had more to do with making a sale of this overpricedproduct than to help any patient overcome their pain.You might want to try glucosamine and chondroitin if you aresuffering from osteoarthritis back pain.

The substances are natural andwill not harm you. They might help other painful arthritic areas, aswell. Unfortunately, quality supplements are rather expensive. Too bad health insurance will pay huge sums of $$$ for addictive and dangerous,but will not help to cover the cost of potentially helpful, natural supplements.

Boost Back Pain Healing and Spinal Health with DietAt Back Clinics of Canada, sees firsthand how nutritional supplements affect results for patients undergoing care. Patient suffering from who take may experience higher healing success with nutritional support.To best understand the role that nutrition plays in better spinal health it’s important to review some spinal anatomy and the mechanism of serious spinal injury. The spine is made up of 24 moveable bones (vertebrae), each separated by a soft-tissue shock-absorbing spacer pad called the disc. Damage to the spinal disc soft tissues is often the root cause of severe. When the disc is traumatized it usually triggers the formation of inflammation. Over time, if uncorrected this inflammation often leads to, causing pressure or irritation against the delicate nerves that pass through the spinal column. This is the source of the profound pain that so many feel.directly addresses the damaged disc from an external perspective.

It creates a specific healing environment for the disc that can actually cause re-hydration of the disc and simultaneously retract the bulge or herniation off of the nerve. Eat Right for Your SpineNutrition plays a very important and direct role in spinal health, and in healing the discs and surfaces of the spinal joints from an internal biological perspective. Regarding the spine, a calcium rich diet is a bone-healthy diet. Keep your bones strong with such foods as:.

milk. low-fat yoghurt. cheeses like Edam, Cheddar and Parmesan. vegetables like curly kale, okra, red kidney beans, baked beans. nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, and sesame seeds and tahini paste.

Glucosamine Chondroitin For Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc And Glucosamine

fish like whitebait, sardines (in oil, tinned) and salmon. figs and apricots. tofu, soy bean, eggsGlucosamine sulfate– Found naturally in the body, is essential for the maintenance and repair of collagen (the primary component of discs). The body uses glucosamine sulfate to form the chemicals it needs to repair cartilage, tendons and ligaments, and synovial fluid (the naturally occurring fluid that bathes the spinal joints). Collagen helps to maintain and repair spinal joint cartilageAntioxidants– increase naturally occurring collagen.Omega 3 Fatty Acids– have collagen-forming properties and are used by the body to repair and prevent damage to cartilage and discs caused by inflammationSulphur rich foods which accelerate protein and collagen productionAnti-inflammatories naturally reduce swellingSoy products are high in genistein (a substance called an isoflavone).